Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA229, INA228
We are using INA236AIDDFR as current monitor in our system. We expect this chip can realize two functions in our product. (a) A highly accurate load current monitor. (b) Output an ALERT signal when overcurrent event occurs. My question in this thread focuses on function (a).
Below is part of the schematics related to INA236 in our product.
Here are some information about our circuit and design:
1. Bus voltage: 48V DC.
2. Tolerance of R8, R17 and R19 are all 1%. Tolerance of C35 is 10%.
3. ADCRANGE = 0, so shunt voltage input range is up to +/-81.92mV.
4. ADC conversion time: 140us for shunt voltage and 140us for bus voltage. We make this time short because in some overcurrent event we hope ALERT signal can be asserted as fast as possible.
5. Sample averaging number: 16. We set this number in order to avoid the impact from noise during current reading.
6. With the above conversion time and averaging number, the ENOB should be 15.1. So, we expect the resolution of current reading at 1.17mA.
We expect the current reading from INA236 can tell the difference of 1mA (or at least 3mA considering theoretical resolution of 1.17mA) when the load current is up to 10A. For example, we hope it can distinguish 8.005A from 8.008A in a reliable way. However, in the real test, we found the current reading was drifting. For example, when we expected a reading of 100mA, the real reading kept changing between 97mA and 103mA. The drifting range was around 5 to 8mA in our test. We tried both electronic load and resistive dummy load but got very similar result.
What I can think of as the reasons to make the reading drift probably are:
(a) the number of averaging, 16, was not enough to screen out the noise. Probably a higher number should be tried.
(b) 0.1% maximum gain error of the amplifier. But it seems this will not make the reading drifting several mA.
(c) some noise on the board created several uV voltage across the shunt resistor, which could result in mA current reading. Unfortunately, we don't have any equipment to measure the voltage in uV level.
(d) The real load current does drift. However, when we tested with resistive dummy load, we expect the load current should be quite stable.
Our questions are:
1. Is there any suggestion to make the INA236 current reading more stable?
2. More importantly, with our design (including components' tolerance), what can we expect as the resolution of current reading in reality? Do you know any application with INA236 can tell the difference in mA level?
Thank you!