Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1106, , ADS1248, ADS1148, ADS1260, ADS124S06, MSPM0L1306, TPSM365R15
The application is to measure wire resistance from 0 to 2200 ohms with a sub-milliohm resolution in order to calculate the wire length. The ADS1220 is configured to measure the resistance ratiometrically. The supply voltage is 3.3VDC (+/- 5%) for DVDD and AVDD. The measurement is single sided from 0V to Vref. Vref is generated using a precision 2.000k (0.01%, 5ppm, 1/10W) resistor where IDAC1 (excitation current source) is set for 500uA and outputs at REFP0. The 2.000k resistor is between REFP0 and REFN0 and this generates Vref = REFP0 - REFN0. 2.000k ohms x 500uA = 1.000V = Vref. The wire resistance ( 0 to 2200 ohms) is measured between AIN0 and AIN1. The 500uA flows across the 2.000k resistor and then down the wire connected to AIN0 thru the resistance to be measured (0 to 2200 ohms) and back to AIN1 and then to GND (AVSS). The ADS1220 would interface via SPI to a TI MSPM0L1106/1306 running at 1MHz. The ADS1220 would run in Duty-Cycle Mode at 5 SPS (to get the maximum 50/60 Hz filtering and lowest noise result). The DRDY signal would be used to let the uC know when to read new data. The ADS1220 is the only item on the SPI bus, so the CS line on the ADS1220 will just be tied to GND. The MSPM0L1106/1306 uC would do a running average of 4 ADC samples as some additional filtering. This circuit is very similar to the TI TechNotes SBBAA235A -- "Low-Cost, Single-Chip, Differential Temperature Measurement Solution Using Precision Delta-Sigma ADCs". The ADS1220 PGA is not used (gain is 1). This circuit appears to meet the common-mode requirement and the max voltage limit for the IDAC output.
3.3VDC 3.3VDC
^ ^
| |
-------------------| + <--- IDAC1 (500uA)
| | (Vref+)
\ |
Rref = / | Vref = 2.000k x 500uA = 1.000VDC
2.000k \ |
| REFP1 | (Vref-)
| | ADS1220
| AIN0 |
| Rmeas = |
\ 0 – 2200 ohms |
/ measurement |
\ (milliohm resolution) |
| AIN1 |
----------------------------------| DVSS AVSS
| -------------------------------------------------
v (GND) | |
v (GND) v (GND)
The sketch does not show the filter R's and C's on REFN0 and on AIN0 and AIN1.
Question 1 -- Does this circuit look to be viable?
Question 2 -- With a 3.3VDC (AVDD) supply and the ratiometric approach to generating an external Vref, is this as close to the maximum resolution we get and still not violate the IDAC max voltage requirements and the common mode requirements? (1.000k, 2.000k, and 4.990k are the only available in stock 0.01%, 5ppm, 1/10W, 0605 resistors available to choose from.)
Question 3 -- The data output is in 2's compliment. In this application would the data need to be converted so the max negative 2's compliment value would equal 0 and smallest value in 2's compliment would equal the max ADC reading equivalent to 1.000VDC? What is the maximum resolution available for a single ended measurement -- 2^23 rather than 2^24?
Question 4 -- In some application notes such as "RTD Ratiometric Measurements and Filtering Using the ADS1148 and ADS1248 Family of Devices" -- SBAA201A, the above circuit is shown where the IDAC1 current output is on another output pin and the current travels to the measurement circuit (AIN0, to the 0 - 2200 ohms to be measured, AIN1) and then to the precision resistor (2.000k) connected to REFP0 and REFN0 and then to GND. Can the ADS1220 be configured for this type of circuit? If so, what advantages/disadvantages does it have other than the measurement data in 2's compliment is now single sided and positive?