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TSW14J57EVM: Problem with HSDCPro v6.0 - Error 1149

Part Number: TSW14J57EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DJ5200RFEVM, ADC12DJ3200EVM, ADC12DJ3200


A system is set up to capture ADC sampling data using a TSW14J57EVM (Rev. E) and an ADC12DJ5200RFEVM.

I have confirmed that I can capture data by putting an external trigger on (J13:TRIG_IN) for the pulse.

However, with the Auto Re-Arm Trigger option enabled, when I press the capture button (which is named Show Trigger Status), I get error 1149.

Looking at the error message, it seems to be a library error, but I don't know why.

What should I review?

HSDC Pro v6.0

ADC12DJ5200RFEVM has the "Onboard Clock System Option" enabled.

For now, the ADC12DJ520RFEVM is set to transmit a test pattern without analog signal input.

Best Regards,


  • Hi Takeo,

    Please follow the EVM user guide, you should not need to need or use an external trigger on J13, etc.

    Also, please set the PC or laptop to English setting for HSDCPro to work properly. You may need to uninstalled, set to English, then reinstall HSDCPro.



  • Hi Rob,

    I want to measure automatically and continuously, so I would like to use the Re-Arm Trigger function.

    It didn't say that the TSW14J57EVM is not capable of using the trigger function.

    > Also, please set the PC or laptop to English setting for HSDCPro to work properly. You may need to uninstalled, set to English, then reinstall HSDCPro.

    I am using the Japanese version of Windows 10 Pro.
    Does this statement mean to set the language setting to the English version?



  • Hi Takeo,

    Lets first get this to work before we start to implement the trigger function, which I am not sure is available. I will need to check.

    Yes, please change the language to English, if the EVM setup doesn't work as intended with HSDC Pro.

    We have seen some issues where this has caused problems.



  • Hi Rob,

    It is still not resolved.

    I have tried installing the English pack on a Windows PC and get the same error (Error Code 1149).

    I don't know what to do...



  • Hi Takeo,

    I will reach out to you in email.

    I am closing this post so we can work offline.



  • Hi Rob,

    I encountered the same problem as Takeo, but my devices are TSW14J57 with ADC12DJ3200EVM. Besides, I used JMODE3 in the ADC software, and created a ADC12DJxx00_JMODE3_trig.ini file based on ADC12DJxx00_JMODE3.ini file with head  as

    [Interface name="TSW14J57RevE_16L_XCVR_ADCDDRDACBRAM"
    Number of channels=2
    Channel Pattern=1,2
    Data Postprocessing=0].

    This created file can successfully be used in [software trigger enable], but the [auto re-arm] doesn't work.

    I also tried change the system into English setting  and reinstall the HSDC v6.0 but it also not worked. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Lei,

    Please uninstall HSDCPro 6.0 and download and install HSDCPro 5.2 located on the web.



  • Hi Rob,

    We have tried HSDCPro 5.2 just now, but the error still occurred. 

    We installed labview2019, and opened the file \High Speed Data Converter Pro\Automation Function APIs\Wrappers\, it occurred the alarm as shown in the figure below.

    It seems cannot find he Trigger Setting Cluster.ctl, what can we do to fix this?

    Best Wishes,


  • Hi Lei,

    Not sure what you are ultimately trying to do here.

    There is no need to use the trigger setting in order to use the ADC12DJ5200RFEVM.



  • Hi Rob,

    Apologies for my lack of gravity in the description.

    *What we want to achieve is:

    Use the Auto re-arm function for multiple triggered data acquisition. 

    *What device we have are:

    ADC12DJ3200EVM & TSW14J57-revE

    *What problem we encountered is:

    When we select the Auto Re-Arm button and click on the Show Status button, the alarm displays as the figure.

    *What we have tried:

    1)The windows10 is set to English.

    2) HSDC v5.2 and v6.0 have been reinstalled many times.

    3) Labview runtime engine have been tried different version, such as 2014 & 2019.

    4) [IMPORTANT!!!]We installed the ADC GUI and HSDCv5.2 software on a freshly installed English Win10 system, but the issue is still not resolved.

    Would it be convenient for you to try our configuration to see if the problem can be reproduced? And find the possible reason.

    We Really Need Your Help!!! Please!

    Best Wishes,


  • Hi Lei,

    It might also be helpful to send along a detailed block diagram of your test setup.

    Its confusing to us that you keep indicating that you want to use a trigger function, which is not needed in order to use the 

    ADC12DJ3200EVM & TSW14J57-revE together.

    We have set this up many times in the lab and it works fine.

    If you are trying to use another method of triggering the data acquisition, this not supported on all devices and has little documentation unfortunately.

    Please refrain from trying to use an external triggering option on the TSW EVM.

    *What we want to achieve is:

    Use the Auto re-arm function for multiple triggered data acquisition. 



  • Hi Rob,

    Really appreciate your patient reply.

    I will detail our test setup from hardware and software.

    [hardware]The hardware setup is shown in Figure 1. After we connected all the devices, a trigger signal was fed from an external source to the Trig in SMA connector of the TSW EVM.

    Fig.1 Device diagram

    [software] Our software setup is detailed in the Figure 2. And the setup has been also tried in a new-installed English system with HSDCv5.2(download link =

    And we present three typical attempts in the diagram.

    Fig 2. Setup diagram

    Therefore, we cannot use the auto re-arm feature. Is it TSW14J57EVM that doesn't support this feature?

    If there is any data that I can't explain clearly or need to provide, please reply to me.

    Best Wishes,


  • Hi Lei,

    Unfortunately, we do not support the external trigger option on the J57 EVM.

    Please use the ADC12DJ3200 and TSW14J57EVM as per the ADC12DJ3200 EVM user guide.



  • Hi Rob

    Thank you very much for your patient answers during this time.

    Best Wishes,
