in your Application Note "A Basic Guide to RTD Measurements" in section 2.9.1, a circuit is shown for 4 RTDs needing a 12 channel ADC.
As AIN2, AIN5, AIN8 and AIN11 are basically shorted together at the RTD inputs, would it be possible to modify the circuit to combine them using just 1 AIN?
=> RTD1 is measured between AIN1 and AIN11 and RTD2 is between AIN4 and AIN11, etc.
Here is a picture with the mentioned modifications (A and B are all connected together):
We want to measure slow signals from 6 PT1000s (max. 1°C/s), would this modified circuit work?
Do we have to add a delay for the settling time of the RC-filters, as all the capacitors add up?
Or can you provide documents, etc. why it would not work.
Thank you very much in advance!
Best Regards