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TCAN4550-Q1: Difference RGY0020C and RGY002F ?

Part Number: TCAN4550-Q1

Hi Staff

Please ask a question regarding the package information of TCAN4550-Q1.

There is information on two VGFN packages: RGY0020C on page 146 and RGY002F on page 149 of the data sheet SLLSEZ5D.

Q1: Is the difference between SECTION A-A the only difference between RGY0020C and RGY002F?
Q2: Is it possible to order RGY0020C and RGY002F separately?
Q3: I think the package thermal resistance is the same, but is it correct?

best regrads

  • Hi cafain,

    Q1: Is the difference between SECTION A-A the only difference between RGY0020C and RGY002F?

    Yes, this is the only difference.

    Q2: Is it possible to order RGY0020C and RGY002F separately?

    The RGY0020C was the original package version that simply had a squared off cavity on each pin along the edge to help with solder retention. 

    The RGY0020F is a newer package version with individual dimples in each pin to help with solder retention. 

    Both packages still exist but there is no way to place an order for one version or the other.

    Q3: I think the package thermal resistance is the same, but is it correct?

    The only difference is with the solder cavity shape in the pins.  All other device parameters are the same including the package thermal resistance.

