Customer plans to realize a ring ethernet network with AM2432.
- Does AM2432 (SDK) support Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)?
- If yes, is there any document?
- If no, is there any plan to support MRP in the future? When?
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Customer plans to realize a ring ethernet network with AM2432.
Hi Yoshi,
Customer plans to realize a ring ethernet network with AM2432
Is customer using standard ethernet or industrial protocol.
Let me check and get back on availability from internal team.
Hi Anand,
Customer plans to use PRU-ICSSG.
Because they assumes that the ring ethernet can be realized with PRU-ICSSG only. Is this correct?
I'm waiting for your feedback anyway.
Hi Yoshi,
Is customer planning to use Profinrt RT MRP? Can you please confirm this.
For MRP support in normal ethernet, you will need to have MRP stack on top of LwIP stack(SDK offering) and you can realize the ring ethernet network.
Nilabh A.
Hi Anand,
The customer plans to use Industrial Ethernet protocol.
Do you mean that MRP stack should be generated by customer?
or will TI provide it?
Hi Yoshi San,
Can you please confirm, if they are planning to use profinet.
If yes it is planned for future SDK release. Release dates are not confirmed yet.
Do you mean that MRP stack should be generated by customer?
For profinet this comes as part of mcu sdk profinet rlease. BUt if they had used standard ethernet then they would have to integrate on their own.
Hi Anand,
Customer plans to use no profinet but standard ethernet.
Is there any plan to prepare MRP stack for standard ethernet?
Hi Yoshi San,
Can you please share the customer use case, so that I can make better recommendation here.
Nilabh A.