Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE,
Hi all,
I want to change the default webpage of LwIP with the HTML code of my own.
So I followed the steps mentioned in the forum https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/c2000-microcontrollers-group/c2000/f/c2000-microcontrollers-forum/952362/tms320f28388d-how-to-change-html-file-for-lwip-example. There they are suggested to place the generated fsdata.c in the location [C2000Ware_3_03_00_00\libraries\communications\Ethernet\third_party\lwip\lwip-2.1.2\src\apps\http\fsdata.c].
In my case with AM2434 LP, where should I place fsdata.c to get updated with the project?
I have tried placing it in the location C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_09_00_00_35\source\networking\lwip\lwip-stack\src\apps\http\fsdata.c
Thank you.