Background: Find this problem used the SDK version is the mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_08_05_00_24;
1. When using TIME2 as the timer clock for interrupt 8k in the R50-0 core, testing revealed jitter phenomena of 125us, 126us, and even 124us.
The configuration of the Timer2 shown as followed:
So why the jitter occurred?
I found that the cycle calculation of the timer in the latest version of the MCU_SDK, which is mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_09_01_00_41, is different from the one I used, which is 243x_08_05_00_24. I would like to ask why such changes were made.
The interface TimerP_setup defined in the TimeP.c of the two version:
Question 3:
Would the changes in problem 2 be a solution to problem 1???