I have made a small change in the tinyusb section of the mcu_plus_sdk (version and i am trying to compile the library using the make command provided as
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\make.exe" -s libs PROFILE= release . (I have tried in debug mode as well)
When i tried to compile me code i recieved the following error
makefile:155: recipe for target 'EVM_FIRMWARE.out' failed
error #10056: symbol "_DebugP_log" redefined: first defined in "C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_09_01_00_41/source/kernel/nortos/lib/nortos.am243x.r5f.ti-arm-clang.release.lib<DebugP_nortos.obj>"; redefined in "C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_09_01_00_41/source/usb/tinyusb/lib/usbd_tusb_cdc_nortos.am243x.r5f.ti-arm-clang.release.lib<dcd.obj>"
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "EVM_FIRMWARE.out" not built
same error in debug and release mode. Is this a known problem? if not could you suggest a fix.
I tried recomiling the code and this is the message that popped up in both debug and release mode
Please suggest some fix for this.