Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH
As previously discussed in https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/arm-based-microcontrollers-group/arm-based-microcontrollers/f/arm-based-microcontrollers-forum/1087696/tmdsemu110-u-xds110-usb-uart-is-bursty-at-high-baud-rates/4035123#4035123 there is an awkward behaviour in the XDS110 USB UART handling in DMA mode, where frequency small bursts of data cause the firmware to wait for the entire DMA buffer to fill up before data gets sent over USB. At high baud rates, this can result in delays of hundreds of milliseconds (or even over a second in extreme cases) for the short UART message bursts to come across. I debugged the XDS110 firmware to identify the exact cause of this issue, and described the cause in detail in the earlier thread I linked. However, this wasn't fixed at the time as it would take some engineering time to devise a fix, and it wasn't a priority for TI.
This high latency made the XDS110 USB UART unusable for my application, so I previously switched to using an external USB-UART adapter, however that was inconvenient. I later patched the XDS110 firmware to change the baud rate where the switchover to DMA-based UART operation takes place, from 230400 to 0x200000 (2097152) baud. The XDS110 CPU was more than fast enough to handle non-DMA UART at 2M baud. Back in 2022 with XDS110 firmware (shipped with Uniflash 7.1.0) had a separate/unrelated intermittent data loss bug at high baud rates with UART write sizes not a multiple of 4, though this seems to have been fixed as of the latest XDS110 firwmare (shipped with Uniflash 8.6.0).
I patched the XDS110 firmware to raise the DMA-mode UART switchover baud rate by changing the bytes at offset 0x0A14 in firmware_3.0.0.28.bin from 61 3F to 00 1F. With this change, I have reliable low latency USB UART with the XDS110 at 2M baud, which is perfect for me. However, it would be better if I didn't have to re-patch the XDS110 firmware (and figure out the correct patch offset for the version) every time a new firmware version was released. If you just made this simple low-effort change of raising the switchover baud rate for UART to DMA operation to something above 2M baud, this would solve my problem and make the XDS110 UART experience better for all your other customers too. Alternatively, you could try to fix the DMA-based operation's latency issue with frequent small data bursts, though that would take more engineering time/effort.