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MSPM0G3507: How to change stack size with SysConfig?

Part Number: MSPM0G3507
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


Hello, I want to increase the stack size for my MSPM0 project. It seems that the stack size is set in device_linker.cmd. This file is generated by the SysConfig tool, but I couldn't find a place to modify the stack size in SysConfig GUI. I also tried to change the setting in project properties, but the stack size remains the same. Is there any way to change the stack size? Thanks.

  • Hi, 

    Project properties have higher priority in stack setting.

    After I change stack to 1024, I can find Linker's output in Output window:

    [34]Building target: "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out"
    [35]Invoking: Arm Linker
    [36]"C:/ti/ccstheia140/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.2.LTS/bin/tiarmclang.exe" @"device.opt"  -march=thumbv6m -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mfloat-abi=soft -mlittle-endian -mthumb -O2 -gdwarf-3 -Wl,-m"" -Wl,--stack_size=1024 -Wl,-i"C:/ti/mspm0_sdk_2_00_01_00/source" -Wl,-i"C:/Users/a0508911/workspace_ccstheia/empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang" -Wl,-i"C:/Users/a0508911/workspace_ccstheia/empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang/Debug/syscfg" -Wl,-i"C:/ti/ccstheia140/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-armllvm_3.2.2.LTS/lib" -Wl,--diag_wrap=off -Wl,--display_error_number -Wl,--warn_sections -Wl,--xml_link_info="empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang_linkInfo.xml" -Wl,--rom_model -o "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out" "./empty.o" "./ti_msp_dl_config.o" "./startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.o" -Wl,-l"./device_linker.cmd"  -Wl,-ldevice.cmd.genlibs -Wl,-llibc.a 
    [37]Finished building target: "empty_LP_MSPM0G3507_nortos_ticlang.out"

    I also tried to change the setting in project properties

    Try this first~



  • Hi, Helic

    I did notice the relevant content output in the Output window.

    However, it can be observed in the. map file that the stack size has not actually changed.

  • Hi, 

    OK, ~I need to check it~



  • Hi, 

    move .cmd file to project root folder.

    Change .cmd file manually.

    Disable linker file generation in syscfg


