Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSCNCD263P, TMDSHSECDOCK-AM263, TCA6424
I am using the AM263Px Control Card (TMDSCNCD263P) along with the AM263x controlCard Dock (TMDSHSECDOCK-AM263). I am attempting to utilize the potentiometer R95 of the dock to provide an analog voltage to ADC0_AIN0, and then use the ADC to read that voltage. I chose the adc_soc_software_am263px-cc example project as my starting place.
First, this example project does not contain the necessary configuration or code to properly configure the TCA6424 MUX. However, I was able to work through this issue using. At this time, I am currently able to verify that the potentiometer to adjusts the voltage present at pin 1 of U61 and at pin 2 of U74. According to the schematic, both of these pins connect to V15 of the AM263p, which is ADC0_AIN0.
No modifications have been made to the adc_soc_software_am263px-cc example code with regard to how it starts a conversion, waits, then reads the result. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get it to return anything but a value of 4095. I suspect that there are additional problems with this example code that are preventing its correct functionality.