Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE
I am trying to get the example SCI_Echoback to work, but I cannot, and I don't understand what I am missing.
- On the MCU card, I have tried with both, SW1 in the ON and OFF positions.
- On the docking station of the Experimenter's Kit, I have shorted JP9 (it was open, now it's closed).
- I have connected GPIO 28 to RS-232 PIN3 and GPIO 29 to RS-232 PIN 2.
Not only do I not get a response (Rx), I don't seem to get the transmission (Tx) either.
So, I need to ask:
- For SCI serial communication via RS-232, should other pins get connected as well? If yes, which?
- Should SW1 on the MCU board be set to ON or OFF?
- Have I forgotten something?