Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-02000
Hi all:
I would like to implement Phase Shifted Full Bridge topology with PCMC with the help of 280025C micro-controller.
I referr to the Design guide : TIDM_02000.
I want to use Mode2 for SR Mode for efficiency.
If the Primary current is greater than the Ramp MAX value, there is an error in the SR PWM waveform.
I found the similar issue on the forum, It seems to be unresolved.
The link is as below.
TMS320F280025C: phase shift PCMC , some question obout SR PWM - C2000 microcontrollers forum - C2000︎ microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums
If this problem has been resolved, I would like to be assisted in this issue.
Thanks in advance.
The error waveform is as shown below.
Normal (Primary current <Ramp MAX value)
Abnormal (Primary current> Ramp MAX value)