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I'm very new to programming on the TMS320F28379D, and I am in a situation where I would like to utilize the high-resolution phase shift control mentioned in the technical reference. The reference says to use TRREM instead of TBPHSHR for high-resolution phase shift, and this is shown in the C2000Ware deadband example, but I experimented with the TRREM register in the example and my own program, (commenting it out, sweeping values) and I can't see it making any difference. Is the change too fine to view on an Oscilloscope, because the rising edge of the PWM does not seem to move at all, regardless of the TRREM value? I tried TBPHSHR out of curiosity and saw the same absence of motion despite sweeping the value in a loop. I think my understanding of the TRREM and TBPHSHR registers is lacking, as I do not understand what difference is made in the deadband example, despite it being the foremost example of TRREM usage. Please let me know anything that could help explain.