Hi Teams,
I am asking for customer here. And customer is using F280049M for mass production.
They are flashing their device with the same software. But they will face below problem in some of the device(about 1%). If the device is a bare chip (no program), and this phenomenon does not occur.
They found that the chip was powered off during the CAN upgrade process, and the code in the chip was incomplete. At this time, the following error will occur when connecting to the target board/F280049M.
This is console as below:
[ERROR] C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Halting Target CPU: (Error -1156 @ 0x0) Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode? Choose 'Yes' to force the device to wake up and retry the operation. Choose 'No' to retry the operation without waking the device. (Emulation package
By clicking OK, the problem repeat. And we change pull GPIO24 low to set in wait mode, we are able to connect target, erase the flash and program the correct software.
But when we pull GPIO24 high, Power up again, we are still unable to program the software, encounter the same issue.
1.Check the schematic diagram/wiring/whether the pull-up resistor meets the specification requirements according to TI's EVM board.
Because we test connection success, only connect the target board/F280049M, it fails to report the issue about 1156 low-power mode.
2.Check that the F280049M XRSn and the clock is normal, and the power supply 3.3V is also normal.
3.We checked and found that when the target board is connected, TRSTn- will be set high, then there will be a low level for 200us, and then a high level, followed by a low level for 300us, and then it will always be a high level. Not sure that TRSTn status bit prevents emulator from exiting low-power mode?
4.Replaced an emulator again, the problem still exists.
5.Check that EMU 0 & EMU1 in 14-Pin also have pull-up resistors, which are 5.1K and 6.2K respectively.
Can you give troubleshooting suggestions? Or where is the problem? The initial inspection determined that the hardware is normal, but I don't know what caused the failure to exit low-power mode, Thanks.