Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LAUNCHXL-F28379D, BOOSTXL-3PHGANINV, LAUNCHXL-F280025C
I am trying to follow the reference design: TIDM-02007 reference design to control my PMSM motor. Compiling the project to FCL_LEVEL2 and not using the encoder (for now).
The motor recommended in the design (Teknic M-2310P-LN-04K) works as expected, but when I switch to my motor, I am getting some kind of protection mode that prevents my motor from spinning. It looks like tripFlagDMC == 1 which is overcurrent. I do not see or measure any high currents in my motor.
Is there a guide in addition to TIDM-02007 documentation or someone who can help me to tune this reference project for other PMSM motors?