Hello E2E Experts,
Good day.
I like to use the CLB function of the TMS320F280049C microcontroller in my application. After reviewing the device TRM and other provided documents by TI, I have some questions regarding the CLB functionality of our device.
1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the device has 4 tiles in the CLB subsystems (page 2822 of SPRUI33G document, section 29.2, line 1) and they are named CLB1, CLB2, CLB3, and CLB4. (that naming comes from page 2860 of SPRUI33G document, table 29-17 base address of the registers). So there is no CLBxTILEn (x is the CLB module number and n is the tile number) and CLBx refers to TILE x of the CLB module.
2. I'm confused how the output of the TILES. On page 2833 of the SPRUI33G document, Fig 29-8, it shows that there are 24 outputs (OUT0 - OUT23) for each TILE that are provided by replicating the 7 boundary outputs of the TILE. However, on page 2848 of the SPRUI33G document, Fig 29-18 shows 32 outputs. Which one is currect? Also, in the same figure, what is the CLB_OUT4_2 signal?
3. On page 2834 of the SPRUI33G document, Table 29-4, the output signal multiplexer is described. However, on page 6 of the SPRACY3 documents, Table 3-2 different destinations are mentioned for some of the outputs. Also, in the same table, names such as CLB1_OUT0_0 are not clear to me.
4. On page 2834 of the SPRUI33G document, Table 29-4, it is mentioned that it is possible to override EPWM1A_AQ with OUTLUT4 of CLB1. While I know where that signal is in Fig 18-20 (on page 1918 of the SPRUI33G document), I'm having a hard time understanding its performance. I know it is a general question, but can you explain how the value of 1 or 0 of this signal can change the output of the corresponding ePWM?
5. Where is the EPWMx_OE signal? can you refer me to a figure that shows this signal and where it connects to?