Hi experts,
My customer would like to know if C28 Compiler parse warning has any relation with the MISRA C or CERT C standards.
Below is the parser warning they are talking about;
C/C++ Parser Errors/Warnings
ID # Error/Warning Text
0 "unknown error"
1 "last line of file ends without a newline"
2 "last line of file ends with a backslash"
3 "#include file %sq includes itself"
4 "out of memory"
5 "could not open source file %sq"
6 "comment unclosed at end of file"
7 "unrecognized token"
8 "missing closing quote"
9 "nested comment is not allowed"
10 ""#" not expected here"
11 "unrecognized preprocessing directive"
12 "parsing restarts here after previous syntax error"
13 "expected a file name"