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TMS320F28374S: CS2619666 TMS320F28374S: Debug Error with TMS320F28374S and Request for Assistance

Part Number: TMS320F28374S
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am encountering an issue while debugging a project using the TMS320F28374S microcontroller. During debugging, I receive the following error message:

"No source available for '_system_post_cinit() at D:\LLCDebugProblem\EVDP-UA603W0001_LLC_S0.01T25\Debug\EVDP-UA603W0001_LLC_S0.01T25.out:{3} 0x3fe493{4}'"

The compiler version used is TIv20.2.5.LTS. We have taken the following actions to address this issue:

  1. Switching the compiler version to TIv22.6.1LTS (with optimization level set to 'off') also resolves the problem and enables normal debugging.

Additionally, debugging can proceed into the main function; however, after initializing the EEPROM, just before initializing the Flash, the debug process encounters an error and cannot continue further.

I need assistance with the following:

  1. The root cause of this issue.

Currently, we speculate that our company's encryption software might be causing file parsing errors, and the newer compiler version (TIv22.6.1LTS) may have implemented isolation measures for these files. However, we do not have concrete evidence to support this theory. We sincerely request assistance from TI engineers.

Additionally, I have attached relevant screenshots of the settings for your reference.

Best Regards,

Cheng Yulong

  • Hi Cheng,

    Thank you for reaching out. I think your screenshots didn't get included in the original message, can you try reattaching them?

    What version of CCS are you using for your testing?

    There have been quite a number of compiler updates in between TIv20.2.5.LTS and TIv22.6.1LTS. To help narrow down the change that is causing the debugger to work correctly, are you able to test other compiler versions? It may be good to test 21.6.0 as that will help to narrow down the exact compiler change.

    Also in your linker command file, are you using the generic linker command files from the C2000WARE SDK or are you using a custom .cmd? If custom, can you review the linker file to make sure that you are correctly allocating the memory for the device? You may want to compare with the generic .cmd files from the SDK to make sure



  • Hi Peter,

    Here are the screenshots related to the debug configuration:

    the CCS version is:12.6.0.

    TIv21.6.0.LTS still has this issue, so the scope has been narrowed down to between versions TIv21.6.0.LTS and TIv22.6.1LTS.

    Here is the cmd configuration file:

     PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
     PAGE 1:    /* Data Memory */
       ACCESSPROTECTION           : origin = 0x0005F4C0, length = 0x00000040
       ADCA                       : origin = 0x00007400, length = 0x00000080
       ADCB                       : origin = 0x00007480, length = 0x00000080
       ADCC                       : origin = 0x00007500, length = 0x00000080
       ADCD                       : origin = 0x00007580, length = 0x00000080
       ADCARESULT                 : origin = 0x00000B00, length = 0x00000018
       ADCBRESULT                 : origin = 0x00000B20, length = 0x00000018
       ADCCRESULT                 : origin = 0x00000B40, length = 0x00000018
       ADCDRESULT                 : origin = 0x00000B60, length = 0x00000018
       ANALOGSUBSYS               : origin = 0x0005D180, length = 0x00000048
       CANA                       : origin = 0x00048000, length = 0x00000200
       CANB                       : origin = 0x0004A000, length = 0x00000200
       CLA1                       : origin = 0x00001400, length = 0x00000080
       CLB1DATAEXCH               : origin = 0x00003200, length = 0x00000200
       CLB2DATAEXCH               : origin = 0x00003600, length = 0x00000200
       CLB3DATAEXCH               : origin = 0x00003A00, length = 0x00000200
       CLB4DATAEXCH               : origin = 0x00003E00, length = 0x00000200
       CLB1LOGICCFG               : origin = 0x00003000, length = 0x00000052
       CLB2LOGICCFG               : origin = 0x00003400, length = 0x00000052
       CLB3LOGICCFG               : origin = 0x00003800, length = 0x00000052
       CLB4LOGICCFG               : origin = 0x00003C00, length = 0x00000052
       CLB1LOGICCTRL              : origin = 0x00003100, length = 0x00000040
       CLB2LOGICCTRL              : origin = 0x00003500, length = 0x00000040
       CLB3LOGICCTRL              : origin = 0x00003900, length = 0x00000040
       CLB4LOGICCTRL              : origin = 0x00003D00, length = 0x00000040
       CLBXBAR                    : origin = 0x00007A40, length = 0x00000040
       CLKCFG                     : origin = 0x0005D200, length = 0x00000032
       CMPSS1                     : origin = 0x00005C80, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS2                     : origin = 0x00005CA0, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS3                     : origin = 0x00005CC0, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS4                     : origin = 0x00005CE0, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS5                     : origin = 0x00005D00, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS6                     : origin = 0x00005D20, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS7                     : origin = 0x00005D40, length = 0x00000020
       CMPSS8                     : origin = 0x00005D60, length = 0x00000020
       CPUTIMER0                  : origin = 0x00000C00, length = 0x00000008
       CPUTIMER1                  : origin = 0x00000C08, length = 0x00000008
       CPUTIMER2                  : origin = 0x00000C10, length = 0x00000008
       CPUSYS                     : origin = 0x0005D300, length = 0x00000082
       DACA                       : origin = 0x00005C00, length = 0x00000008
       DACB                       : origin = 0x00005C10, length = 0x00000008
       DACC                       : origin = 0x00005C20, length = 0x00000008
       DCSMCOMMON                 : origin = 0x0005F070, length = 0x00000008
       DCSMZ1                     : origin = 0x0005F000, length = 0x00000024
       DCSMZ2                     : origin = 0x0005F040, length = 0x00000024
       DEVCFG                     : origin = 0x0005D000, length = 0x0000012E
       DMACLASRCSEL               : origin = 0x00007980, length = 0x0000001A
       DMA                        : origin = 0x00001000, length = 0x00000200
       ECAP1                      : origin = 0x00005000, length = 0x00000020
       ECAP2                      : origin = 0x00005020, length = 0x00000020
       ECAP3                      : origin = 0x00005040, length = 0x00000020
       ECAP4                      : origin = 0x00005060, length = 0x00000020
       ECAP5                      : origin = 0x00005080, length = 0x00000020
       ECAP6                      : origin = 0x000050A0, length = 0x00000020
       EMIF1CONFIG                : origin = 0x0005F480, length = 0x00000020
       EMIF2CONFIG                : origin = 0x0005F4A0, length = 0x00000020
       EMIF1                      : origin = 0x00047000, length = 0x00000070
       EMIF2                      : origin = 0x00047800, length = 0x00000070
       EPWM1                      : origin = 0x00004000, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM2                      : origin = 0x00004100, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM3                      : origin = 0x00004200, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM4                      : origin = 0x00004300, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM5                      : origin = 0x00004400, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM6                      : origin = 0x00004500, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM7                      : origin = 0x00004600, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM8                      : origin = 0x00004700, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM9                      : origin = 0x00004800, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM10                     : origin = 0x00004900, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM11                     : origin = 0x00004A00, length = 0x00000100
       EPWM12                     : origin = 0x00004B00, length = 0x00000100
       EPWMXBAR                   : origin = 0x00007A00, length = 0x00000040
       EQEP1                      : origin = 0x00005100, length = 0x00000022
       EQEP2                      : origin = 0x00005140, length = 0x00000022
       EQEP3                      : origin = 0x00005180, length = 0x00000022
       FLASH0CTRL                 : origin = 0x0005F800, length = 0x00000182
       FLASH1CTRL                 : origin = 0x0005FC00, length = 0x00000182
       FLASH0ECC                  : origin = 0x0005FB00, length = 0x00000028
       FLASH1ECC                  : origin = 0x0005FF00, length = 0x00000028
       FLASHPUMPSEMAPHORE         : origin = 0x00050024, length = 0x00000002
       GPIOCTRL                   : origin = 0x00007C00, length = 0x00000180
       GPIODATA                   : origin = 0x00007F00, length = 0x00000030
       I2CA                       : origin = 0x00007300, length = 0x00000022
       I2CB                       : origin = 0x00007340, length = 0x00000022
       INPUTXBAR                  : origin = 0x00007900, length = 0x00000020
       MEMORYERROR                : origin = 0x0005F500, length = 0x00000040
       MEMCFG                     : origin = 0x0005F400, length = 0x00000080
       MCBSPA                     : origin = 0x00006000, length = 0x00000024
       MCBSPB                     : origin = 0x00006040, length = 0x00000024
       NMIINTRUPT                 : origin = 0x00007060, length = 0x00000007
       OUTPUTXBAR                 : origin = 0x00007A80, length = 0x00000040
       PIECTRL                    : origin = 0x00000CE0, length = 0x0000001A
       PIEVECTTABLE               : origin = 0x00000D00, length = 0x00000200
       ROMPREFETCH                : origin = 0x0005E608, length = 0x00000002
       ROMWAITSTATE               : origin = 0x0005F540, length = 0x00000002
       SCIA                       : origin = 0x00007200, length = 0x00000010
       SCIB                       : origin = 0x00007210, length = 0x00000010
       SCIC                       : origin = 0x00007220, length = 0x00000010
       SCID                       : origin = 0x00007230, length = 0x00000010
       SDFM1                      : origin = 0x00005E00, length = 0x00000080
       SDFM2                      : origin = 0x00005E80, length = 0x00000080
       SPIA                       : origin = 0x00006100, length = 0x00000010
       SPIB                       : origin = 0x00006110, length = 0x00000010
       SPIC                       : origin = 0x00006120, length = 0x00000010
       SYNCSOC                    : origin = 0x00007940, length = 0x00000006
       UPP                        : origin = 0x00006200, length = 0x00000048
       WD                         : origin = 0x00007000, length = 0x0000002B
       XBAR                       : origin = 0x00007920, length = 0x00000020
       XINT                       : origin = 0x00007070, length = 0x0000000B
    /*** PIE Vect Table and Boot ROM Variables Structures ***/
       AccessProtectionRegsFile   : > ACCESSPROTECTION, type=NOINIT
       AdcaRegsFile               : > ADCA, type=NOINIT
       AdcbRegsFile               : > ADCB, type=NOINIT
       AdccRegsFile               : > ADCC, type=NOINIT
       AdcdRegsFile               : > ADCD, type=NOINIT
       AdcaResultRegsFile         : > ADCARESULT, type=NOINIT
       AdcbResultRegsFile         : > ADCBRESULT, type=NOINIT
       AdccResultRegsFile         : > ADCCRESULT, type=NOINIT
       AdcdResultRegsFile         : > ADCDRESULT, type=NOINIT
       AnalogSubsysRegsFile       : > ANALOGSUBSYS, type=NOINIT
       CanaRegsFile               : > CANA, type=NOINIT
       CanbRegsFile               : > CANB, type=NOINIT
       Cla1RegsFile               : > CLA1, type=NOINIT
       Clb1DataExchRegsFile       : > CLB1DATAEXCH, type=NOINIT
       Clb2DataExchRegsFile       : > CLB2DATAEXCH, type=NOINIT
       Clb3DataExchRegsFile       : > CLB3DATAEXCH, type=NOINIT
       Clb4DataExchRegsFile       : > CLB4DATAEXCH, type=NOINIT
       Clb1LogicCfgRegsFile       : > CLB1LOGICCFG, type=NOINIT
       Clb2LogicCfgRegsFile       : > CLB2LOGICCFG, type=NOINIT
       Clb3LogicCfgRegsFile       : > CLB3LOGICCFG, type=NOINIT
       Clb4LogicCfgRegsFile       : > CLB4LOGICCFG, type=NOINIT
       Clb1LogicCtrlRegsFile      : > CLB1LOGICCTRL, type=NOINIT
       Clb2LogicCtrlRegsFile      : > CLB2LOGICCTRL, type=NOINIT
       Clb3LogicCtrlRegsFile      : > CLB3LOGICCTRL, type=NOINIT
       Clb4LogicCtrlRegsFile      : > CLB4LOGICCTRL, type=NOINIT
       ClbXbarRegsFile            : > CLBXBAR, type=NOINIT
       ClkCfgRegsFile             : > CLKCFG, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss1RegsFile             : > CMPSS1, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss2RegsFile             : > CMPSS2, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss3RegsFile             : > CMPSS3, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss4RegsFile             : > CMPSS4, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss5RegsFile             : > CMPSS5, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss6RegsFile             : > CMPSS6, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss7RegsFile             : > CMPSS7, type=NOINIT
       Cmpss8RegsFile             : > CMPSS8, type=NOINIT
       CpuTimer0RegsFile          : > CPUTIMER0, type=NOINIT
       CpuTimer1RegsFile          : > CPUTIMER1, type=NOINIT
       CpuTimer2RegsFile          : > CPUTIMER2, type=NOINIT
       CpuSysRegsFile             : > CPUSYS, type=NOINIT
       DacaRegsFile               : > DACA, type=NOINIT
       DacbRegsFile               : > DACB, type=NOINIT
       DaccRegsFile               : > DACC, type=NOINIT
       DcsmCommonRegsFile         : > DCSMCOMMON, type=NOINIT
       DcsmZ1RegsFile             : > DCSMZ1, type=NOINIT
       DcsmZ2RegsFile             : > DCSMZ2, type=NOINIT
       DevCfgRegsFile             : > DEVCFG, type=NOINIT
       DmaClaSrcSelRegsFile       : > DMACLASRCSEL, type=NOINIT
       DmaRegsFile                : > DMA, type=NOINIT
       ECap1RegsFile              : > ECAP1, type=NOINIT
       ECap2RegsFile              : > ECAP2, type=NOINIT
       ECap3RegsFile              : > ECAP3, type=NOINIT
       ECap4RegsFile              : > ECAP4, type=NOINIT
       ECap5RegsFile              : > ECAP5, type=NOINIT
       ECap6RegsFile              : > ECAP6, type=NOINIT
       Emif1ConfigRegsFile        : > EMIF1CONFIG, type=NOINIT
       Emif2ConfigRegsFile        : > EMIF2CONFIG, type=NOINIT
       Emif1RegsFile              : > EMIF1, type=NOINIT
       Emif2RegsFile              : > EMIF2, type=NOINIT
       EPwm1RegsFile              : > EPWM1, type=NOINIT
       EPwm2RegsFile              : > EPWM2, type=NOINIT
       EPwm3RegsFile              : > EPWM3, type=NOINIT
       EPwm4RegsFile              : > EPWM4, type=NOINIT
       EPwm5RegsFile              : > EPWM5, type=NOINIT
       EPwm6RegsFile              : > EPWM6, type=NOINIT
       EPwm7RegsFile              : > EPWM7, type=NOINIT
       EPwm8RegsFile              : > EPWM8, type=NOINIT
       EPwm9RegsFile              : > EPWM9, type=NOINIT
       EPwm10RegsFile             : > EPWM10, type=NOINIT
       EPwm11RegsFile             : > EPWM11, type=NOINIT
       EPwm12RegsFile             : > EPWM12, type=NOINIT
       EPwmXbarRegsFile           : > EPWMXBAR, type=NOINIT
       EQep1RegsFile              : > EQEP1, type=NOINIT
       EQep2RegsFile              : > EQEP2, type=NOINIT
       EQep3RegsFile              : > EQEP3, type=NOINIT
       Flash0CtrlRegsFile         : > FLASH0CTRL, type=NOINIT
       Flash1CtrlRegsFile         : > FLASH1CTRL, type=NOINIT
       Flash0EccRegsFile          : > FLASH0ECC, type=NOINIT
       Flash1EccRegsFile          : > FLASH1ECC, type=NOINIT
       FlashPumpSemaphoreRegsFile : > FLASHPUMPSEMAPHORE, type=NOINIT
       GpioCtrlRegsFile           : > GPIOCTRL, type=NOINIT
       GpioDataRegsFile           : > GPIODATA, type=NOINIT
       I2caRegsFile               : > I2CA, type=NOINIT
       I2cbRegsFile               : > I2CB, type=NOINIT
       InputXbarRegsFile          : > INPUTXBAR, type=NOINIT
       MemoryErrorRegsFile        : > MEMORYERROR, type=NOINIT
       MemCfgRegsFile             : > MEMCFG, type=NOINIT
       McbspaRegsFile             : > MCBSPA, type=NOINIT
       McbspbRegsFile             : > MCBSPB, type=NOINIT
       NmiIntruptRegsFile         : > NMIINTRUPT, type=NOINIT
       OutputXbarRegsFile         : > OUTPUTXBAR, type=NOINIT
       PieCtrlRegsFile            : > PIECTRL, type=NOINIT
       PieVectTableFile           : > PIEVECTTABLE, type=NOINIT
       RomPrefetchRegsFile        : > ROMPREFETCH, type=NOINIT
       RomWaitStateRegsFile       : > ROMWAITSTATE, type=NOINIT
       SciaRegsFile               : > SCIA, type=NOINIT
       ScibRegsFile               : > SCIB, type=NOINIT
       ScicRegsFile               : > SCIC, type=NOINIT
       ScidRegsFile               : > SCID, type=NOINIT
       Sdfm1RegsFile              : > SDFM1, type=NOINIT
       Sdfm2RegsFile              : > SDFM2, type=NOINIT
       SpiaRegsFile               : > SPIA, type=NOINIT
       SpibRegsFile               : > SPIB, type=NOINIT
       SpicRegsFile               : > SPIC, type=NOINIT
       SyncSocRegsFile            : > SYNCSOC, type=NOINIT
       UppRegsFile                : > UPP, type=NOINIT
       WdRegsFile                 : > WD, type=NOINIT
       XbarRegsFile               : > XBAR, type=NOINIT
       XintRegsFile               : > XINT, type=NOINIT
    // End of file.


    Cheng Yulong

  • I have further narrowed down the scope of the compilation issue. There is a problem with TIv21.6.1.LTS, but TIv21.12.0.LTS works fine. Could you please help me identify the differences between these two compiler versions? Thank you very much.

  • Hi Cheng,

    Please see the following change log for the TIv21.12.0.LTS:

    I don't see anything that could possibly lead to the debug not working in previous revisions of the CGT so I'm thinking it's also likely to do with the CCS version you are using is a newer CCS and tested with the newer compiler versions.



  • Hi Peter,

    I have conducted the same experiment using Code Composer Studio 11.2.0 and Code Composer Studio 12.8.1, alongside Code Composer Studio 12.6.0, using the same codebase but in three different workspaces. The experimental results show that the debug issue occurs when using the TIv21.6.1.LTS compiler version, whereas no such debug issues are present when using the TIv21.12.0.LTS compiler version. Therefore, I believe that this issue is not related to the CCS version but is solely associated with the compiler version.

    Please continue to help me identify the cause. Thank you very much.



  • Hi Cheng,

    I reviewed the changelog for the compiler version and I don't see any specific reference to a compiler change that result in a different debug behavior. I will reach back out to the compiler team to provide insight once they have returned from the holiday break



  • Hi Peter,

    Thank you very much for your help!



  • Hi Cheng,

    Hope you have a happy new year. I am reaching out to our compiler to team to find out more information about the TIv21.12.0.LTS compiler version to get additional information



  • Hello,

    I have brought this thread to the attention of the compiler experts. Due to the current holiday time, it may be a few days before an update is available.

    Thank you


  • "No source available for '_system_post_cinit() at D:\LLCDebugProblem\EVDP-UA603W0001_LLC_S0.01T25\Debug\EVDP-UA603W0001_LLC_S0.01T25.out:{3} 0x3fe493{4}'"

    For an explanation of the message, please see:

    The real issue is why you are getting stuck there. I don't have an answer for that one.

  • Hi Cheng,

    I discussed with our compilers team. They mentioned that there is no change in the specific compiler version which necessarily addresses the issue you are facing. Different compiler versions put functions and data in memory in different places, so it cannot be deterministically understood the exact issue you are seeing just because of the compiler version

    Comment I received from the team is that there is likely some system issue/exception occurring in your code which needs to be resolved and can only be noticed in your code with older compiler version



  • Hi Peter and Ki:

    I have reviewed the link you sent me, and indeed, the issue was resolved after switching the compiler version. However, I have a concern that I need your help to confirm: since this problem only manifests during debugging, with compilation and linking proceeding normally, I am worried about whether there might be any issues with the generated binary files.



  • Hi Cheng,

    Understood, like mentioned previously, there may be some system-level issue in your code which is independent of the compiler and would require testing/evaluation of project files. This causes the source to not be found on different compiler versions. Since this is not necessarily a result of the compiler but of the codebase, then there is a chance that future changes in the compiler may reintroduce this error to your project depending on where compiler will be allocating parts of the code in memory. For the compiler versions you have tested successfully, if there is no error thrown during debugging, I don't consider there is a issue necessarily with the binary file but still there could be error with code

