There are some questions about D/Q axis current decoupling when using F280013X for PMSM sensorless control.
1. How to limit the Id/Iq PI loop' max/min output value. For normal PI loop, we limit the Id pi loop out with max vs (0.667* Vdc), and Iq loop with sqrt(vs*vs - Vd*Vd)
but with D/Q decoupling, how the limit the current PI loop output value first? It seems that the Id loop's out will be small with decoupling feed forward.
2. How to limit the value of feed forward equation with d/q compensation , which you can see as obj->Vdq_out_V.value[0] and obj->Vdq_out_V.value[1] as below code:
// -We*Lq*Iq, SI unit: We(rad/s)*L(H)*I(A)
obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[0] = (-speed_rps * objUser->motor_Ls_q_H * obj->Idq_in_A.value[1]);
// +We*(Ld*Id+flux), SI unit: We(rad/s)*L(H)*I(A), Flux(wb)
obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[1] = speed_rps * (objUser->motor_Ls_d_H * obj->Idq_in_A.value[0] + objUser->motor_ratedFlux_Wb);
obj->Vdq_out_V.value[0] += obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[0];
obj->Vdq_out_V.value[1] += obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[1];
3. In normal svgen mode of TI's demo, the max vs is 0.667* Vdcbus, then should I scale the obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[0] and obj->Vdq_decoup_V.value[1] with coeffient, like *0.5, or *0.667?