Hi BU friends,
Assumptions:(the same as P1913 in TRM)
TBCLK = 10 ns (100 MHz)
PWM frequency = 1.25 MHz (1/800 ns)
Required PWM duty cycle, PWMDuty = 0.405 (40.5%)
PWM period in terms of coarse steps,
PWMPeriod (800 ns/10 ns)
= 80
Number of MEP steps per coarse step at
180 ps (10 n/180 ps ), MEP_ScaleFactor
= 55
Value to keep CMPAHR within the range of
1-255 and fractional rounding constant
(default value) = 0.5 (0080h in Q8 format)
If we use SFO/auto conversion in background, we only need to write CMPA:CMPAHR:Reserved bits=0x00206600h.
The C2000 will transfer 0x00206600h to 00201600h,right?
(The calculation result is shown in P1913 in 28004x TRM).