Hi Ti team,
We need to implement FW upgrade for our device which using MSP430F5328 MCU. From previous study I found BSL has 2KB size limitation, once I added FW upgrade logic and SPI external flash read/write logic into BSL the size should be more than 2KB I think. So I am thinking if I can do the FW upgrade functions in MSPboot? however there is no MSPboot project for MSP430F5328 release by TI, so I think I need to customize it by myself.
May I know which example code should I use which is the most similar with MSP430F5328?
Actually I found one MSPBoot example online and try to understand it. But after read example of App2_MSPBoot_F5529_UART seems there are many things need to do if want to do customizing for MSP430F5328.
First, there is a function named TI_MSPBoot_JumpToBoot(void) which used to jump from MSPboot to BSL I think, In this function PassWd and StatCtrl are used directly here, I can not found the definition for them, May I know where is the definition for these two variables? another, I cannot find any related code can do jumping from MSPboot to BSL in this function. May I know how did it do the jump?
Next, there is a ProxyVectorTable[], the comment for it mentioned this is a BRA instruction, what is BRA instruction? should I change this value to corresponding value for MSP430F5328,May I know what is the correct value for MSP430F5328?
Finally, I have a question about BSL,MSPboot and main APP jumping. If I can do directly jump from main APP to MSPBoot by using (void(*)())address_of_mspboot)() once I want to do firmware upgrade in MSPBoot after received some command during main App running? or I must jump to BSL first then jump to MSPboot from BSL ? If I want to jump back to main App after firmware upgrade finished should I need jump to BSL first or I can directly jump to MSPBoot by using (void(*)())address_of_mainApp)() ? Thanks you very much.