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DRV8801A-Q1: Only provide single direction current

Part Number: DRV8801A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8873, DRV8143-Q1, DRV8873-Q1

Hi team! 

The customer wanted to use DRV8801A-Q1 to provide single direction current, such as using PWM control OUTA upper switch, and OUTB lower switch is always turn on. The other mosfet such as OUTA lower switch, and OUTB upper switch is always turn off. Will this use affect the life of the device?

  • Hi Hale,

    The customer wanted to use DRV8801A-Q1 to provide single direction current, such as using PWM control OUTA upper switch, and OUTB lower switch is always turn on. The other mosfet such as OUTA lower switch, and OUTB upper switch is always turn off. Will this use affect the life of the device?

    What are the MODEx pins configuration?

    If OUTA is pwm controlled, then how do you know that OUTA lower FET is always OFF? Any references to the datasheet to support this? I don't think you have the option to control the lower FET to OFF in this case. Regardless, I don't think this has any negative affect to the chip life cycle.


  • Hi Hale,

    Thank you for your question. No issue for the life of this device, however DRV8801A-Q1 does not support the sequence what you described. To achieve the control sequence "OUTA HS ON <-> HS and LS OFF" and  "OUTB LS ON always", need to use half bridge DRV814x-Q1 2pcs. 

    For H-bridge(full bridge) driver, we do not have state "one channel LS on and another channel HiZ(HS and LS OFF)"

    Here is table for DRV8801A-Q1. It does not support the sequence you described. HiZ state exist only for "Both channels HiZ".  This is same for other H-Bridge derivers like DRV8873/4/6-Q1 and DRV8243/44/45-Q1.

    DRV8134-Q1 -Half bridge driver can support this combination. DRV8143-Q1 will be released soon. Please contact to me directly if customer is interested in half bridge driver x 2pcs solution.

    Table and block diagram for DRV8143-Q1.

    If customer OK to change sequence like  "OUTA HS ON <-> LS ON " and  "OUTB LS ON always", DRV8873/4/6-Q1 and DRV8243/44/45-Q1 can be used with Independent mode.

    Here is example for DRV8873-Q1 Independent mode. DRV8801A-Q1 does not have independent mode-FYI.


    Shinya Morita