Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS92200
I have questions regarding the 1.5A drive current for TPS92200.
Why does the TPS92200 have a max current rating listed as 1.5A when the Min current limit of the HS switch is 2.9A and the Min current limit of the LS source is 2.4A?
There is a Min current limit sink rating of 1.4A for LS sink. How is this applicable to a buck circuit?
I have an app that requires 1.7A output with 12V SLA to parallel string of LEDs with nominal load voltages between 2.4V and 3.6V.
Is the 1.5A Max drive current applicable to this application?
Is it applicable to a 4.8V supply feeding the same load?
My simulations show that the active switch currents do not exceed 2A with a 1.7A load.
Best Regards,