Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC27624, UCC21520
Hi expert,
My customer used UCC21225A as functional isolation to eliminate the effect of ground bounce when hard switch off for their DAB topology.
And they connect the OUT to UCC27624 to expand the drive current. they use boot strap supply for the high side UCC27624.
Recently, they report a issue that 1/1000 of the board report a issue that the high side waveform will lost during the machine start up. and they already located the issue to UCC21225A.
due to the input PWM is good without output on UCC21225A.
Due to boot strap, I just let them check the VDDB-VSSB to see whether trip the UVLO. but it seems the power supply is about 12V and stable.
CH2:Pri DAB Lead - Pri DAB Lag
see CH4, high side Vgs PWM is lost.
And they also do the ABBA test, and found the issue followed the device. But from the waveform we can see it can recover so I don't think the device is broken.
Could you kindly tell me what next step to check?