Hello TI team,
I'm about to use: BQ76942, Communications Interface: I2C, REG1 LDO default: disabled.
Not intend to use internal LDO, REG1 and REG2. Run BQ76942 in fully autonomous mode, no external MCU.
REGIN and BREG connected to VSS.
REG1: floating
REG2: floating.
Calibration and OTP programming will be done by using external equipment. Pull-up for I2C will be on placed in
external equipment. Attach simplified block diagram.
Cells will be assembly after calibration and OTP programming.
Question 1: Is it possible to communicate BQ76942 according to attached block diagram? Guess REG18 is used for internal logic.
Question 2: Once calibration and OTP programming is done, pull-up on SDA and SCL is left floating, is that okay?
Question 2.1: If floating is not okay, how should SDA and SCL be handled since I can't have pull-up to REG1?