Q1. The circuit breaker threshold I(CB)
The description of the operation for TJ<[T(TSD)-10℃] differs depending on the item in the data sheet.
There is a difference in the notation of the period during which TJ<[T(TSD)-10℃] falls to low, being 512[ms] and 540[ms], but which is correct?
Q2. Recommended value of COUT
The data sheet does not state how to determine the recommended value of COUT. How should I determine it?
Also, C5 (electrolytic capacitor) is placed in the EVM, but is it necessary to place C5 when filtering low-frequency noise?
Q3. Internal block diagram
A. When the ILIM pin voltage falls below 1V, the FET is turned on and a short is detected.
B. This is a comparator for detecting reverse input voltage. When the input voltage falls below -10[mV], it outputs Low, and when it exceeds 100[mV], it outputs High.
Regarding the internal block diagram, is my understanding of A and B correct?
Also, the data sheet states that it is designed to eliminate erroneous signals using a "de-glitch." Is the following a correct "de-glitch circuit"?
Could you please briefly explain how it works?
Q4. Current Monitoring
Is the output range of IMON "1.5V/A" correct? Also, which formula should I use when designing R(IMON)? Could you please briefly explain the two formulas?
Q5. Fault response
When overloaded, FLTb drops to low, but Vout may remain output.
When Vin is increased, the following occurs when Vin: 34.95 [V] / ILOAD: 2.24 [A]. Is this behavior normal?