Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS55289
Our evolving design (iPad on Port 1, USB-C charger on Port2) works fine if the Port 2 charger is plugged in first, and the iPad into Port 1 second. When the iPad is full established on Port 1, we issue a PR_Swap (Source), which succeeds and we can then charge the iPad.
If the iPad is plugged into Port 1 first, it becomes the USB-C Power Source and it is powers on our device. The problem is that a subsequent plugin of a charger into Port2 is largely ignored.
5963: GPIO1 (Port2) = 1
5965: Port 2 PlugPresent 1 ConnState 6 PlugOrientation 0 PortRole Sink DataRole UFP
VbusStatus 0 USBHostPresent 0 ActingAsLegacy 0 BIST 0 HVWarning 0 LVWarning 0 Ack_Timeout 0
GPIO1 is configured to indicate plug/unplug on Port 2 and here indicates a plug in. The displayed fields are from the Status Register. VbusStatus=0 means no VBUS voltage. Why? We are setup so that each port operates independently.
I enclose our 65988 configuration.