I have been testing CAN communication with J721S2XSOMXEVM on J721EXCP01EVM board and currently I am using the sdk 8.6 for internal purpose.
I commanded ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
ip link set can1 up type can bitrate 500000
candump can0 &
candump can1 &
cansend can0 345#1122334455667788
cansend can1 345#1122334455667788
and then saw what's going on.
What I've observed was every single time I powerr up the board and type the command, the physical connectors for CAN is changed among J30_CP / J31_CP / J27_CP / J10_SOM even I didn't change anything of switch/software.
Please share the potential cause of this.
I appreciate your support in advance.