I have TMDS64GPEVM evm board and i am using gnu v9.2.1.
I was trying to benchmark A53 SMP with dhrystones example.
There is table of result at the bottom of the link
i wondered how theese results calculated.
in dhry.c there is formula but result is not the same as i calculated.
*dhryPerSec = ( numThreads * numIterations * Mic_secs_Per_Second) / totalTime;
numThreads -> 1
numIterations -> 30000000
Mic_secs_Per_Second -> 1000000
totalTime -> 3112585 (for 1 thread)
as a result dhryPerSec gives me 1266 as link specified.
calculation by hand gives me 9,638,291.
i think there is overflow at ( numThreads * numIterations * Mic_secs_Per_Second).
the result of multiply should be stored in uint64_t.
it seem like stored in 32 bit int.
i am not sure, am i miscalculationg or something is wrong with example.