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[FAQ] How do I get a valid param.yaml file for my TIDL deep learning model? The demos in edgeai-gst-apps throw errors on my model

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM69A, AM68A

I compiled a model for a device (AM62A, AM68A, AM69A, etc.) with edgeai-tidl-tools and compilation did not throw any errors.

I want to evaluate my model on the EVM now, and I see edgeai-gst-apps is the initial directory in the Edge AI SDK. I have setup my YAML configuration file to use the model / artifacts that were compiled.

When I try to run the application, it doesn't start -- it either exits or hangs. When I try to look at the messages printed (using the '-n' option to stop the constant overwriting effect), I see something about a missing key, like this:

root@am62axx-evm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# ./apps_python/ configs/my_config.yaml  -n
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/./apps_python/", line 67, in <module>
  File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/./apps_python/", line 46, in main
    demo = EdgeAIDemo(config)
  File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/", line 105, in __init__
    model_obj = ModelConfig(model_path,enable_tidl,core_id)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/", line 247, in __init__
    if (params['session']['input_optimization'] == True):
KeyError: 'input_optimization'

How do I fix this?

  • I managed to fix this, but also see some issues with classnames like the following error. How I fix that as well?

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 953, in run
        self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
      File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/", line 121, in pipeline
        out_frame = self.post_proc(frame, result)
      File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/", line 109, in __call__
        img = self.overlay_topN_classnames(img, results)
      File "/opt/edgeai-gst-apps/apps_python/", line 159, in overlay_topN_classnames
        class_name = self.model.classnames.get(idx + self.model.label_offset)
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

  • The edgeai-gst-apps expects a particular format of the param.yaml and dataset.yaml files so it can read pre/post processing information as well as dataset information, respectively.

    edgeai-tidl-tools creates a param.yaml, but this has not matched the edgeai-gst-apps format for the 9.0 and 9.1 SDKs. It doesn't create a dataset.yaml either. The edgeai-benchmark project does this, but is more involved to get started.

    You can manually edit the param.yaml to match something like the ones held in the SDK under models within /opt/model_zoo. You can also copy and edit a dataset.yaml file from the same location to match your project. However, there are many fields in those files (particularly param.yaml).

    As an alternative solution, please find the python3 script attached (as well as a param.yaml template) that will manually update the param.yaml from edgeai-tidl-tools to work withthe 9.0 / 9.1 SDK's
    import os
    import yaml
    import argparse
    import copy
    from import Iterable  
    def update_preprocess(options_dict):
        preprocess = options_dict.get('preprocess')
        if preprocess:
            mean = preprocess.get('mean')
            scale = preprocess.get('scale')
            data_layout = preprocess.get('data_layout', 'NCHW')
            reverse_channels = preprocess.get('reverse_channels', False)
            mean = None
            scale = None
            data_layout = 'NCHW' #default; tflite usually using NHWC, ONNX uses NCHW
            reverse_channels = False
        input_optimization = False
        if mean is None and scale is None:
            input_optimization = True
        elif isinstance(mean, Iterable) and isinstance(scale, Iterable) and \
            all([m == 0 for m in mean]) and all([s == 1 for  s in scale]):
            input_optimization = True
        elif mean == 0 and scale == 1: 
            input_optimization = True
        options_dict['session']['input_mean'] = copy.copy(mean)
        options_dict['session']['input_scale'] = copy.copy(scale)
        options_dict['session']['input_data_layout'] = copy.copy(data_layout)
        options_dict['session']['input_optimization'] = input_optimization
        options_dict['session']['reverse_channels'] = reverse_channels
        options_dict['preprocess']['reverse_channels'] = reverse_channels
        return options_dict
    def ort_detail_to_dict(detail):
        new_detail = {
            'shape': detail.shape,
            'type': detail.type
        return new_detail
    def tfl_detail_to_dict(detail):
        shape = detail['shape'].tolist()
        new_detail = {
            'name': detail['name'],
            'shape': shape,
            'type': str(detail['dtype'])
        return new_detail
    def update_input_details(options_dict, model, ext):
        in_details_yaml = options_dict['session'].get('input_details', None)
        if in_details_yaml is None:
            options_dict['session']['input_details'] = []
            in_details_yaml = options_dict['session'].get('input_details', None)
        if ext == '.onnx':
            input_details = model.get_inputs()
            if len(in_details_yaml) == len(input_details): return options_dict
            for in_detail in input_details:
                new_detail = ort_detail_to_dict(in_detail)
                for i,s in enumerate(new_detail['shape']):
                    if s is None:
                        #Note that failures here may come from any other unspecified dimensions
                        new_detail['shape'][i] = DEFAULT_NUM_BOXES
        elif ext == '.tflite':
            input_details = model.get_input_details()
            if len(in_details_yaml) == len(input_details): return options_dict
            for in_detail in input_details:
                new_detail = tfl_detail_to_dict(in_detail)
        return options_dict
    def update_output_details(options_dict, model, ext):
        out_details_yaml = options_dict['session'].get('output_details', None)
        if out_details_yaml is None:
            options_dict['session']['output_details'] = []
            out_details_yaml = options_dict['session'].get('output_details', None)
        if ext == '.onnx':
            output_details = model.get_outputs()
            if len(out_details_yaml) == len(output_details): return options_dict
            for out_detail in output_details:
                new_detail = ort_detail_to_dict(out_detail)
                for i,s in enumerate(new_detail['shape']):
                    if s is None:
                        #Note that failures here may come from any other unspecified dimensions
                        new_detail['shape'][i] = DEFAULT_NUM_BOXES
        elif ext == '.tflite':
            output_details = model.get_output_details()
            if len(out_details_yaml) == len(output_details): return options_dict
            for out_detail in output_details:
                new_detail = tfl_detail_to_dict(out_detail)
        return options_dict
    def update_postprocess(options_dict):
        This doesn't handle all the variations in OD head's format, but it at least covers DetectionBoxSL2BoxLS
        postprocess = options_dict.get('postprocess', None)
        if postprocess is not None:
            formatter = postprocess.get('formatter', None)
            if formatter is not None:
                src_indices = formatter.get('src_indices', None)
                dst_indices = formatter.get('dst_indices', None)
                if src_indices is None and dst_indices is not None:
                    formatter['src_indices'] = dst_indices.reverse()
                elif src_indices is not None and dst_indices is None:
                    tmp = copy.copy(src_indices)
                    formatter['dst_indices'] = tmp
        return options_dict
    def get_model_path(options_dict, modeldir):
        modelpath = os.path.join(modeldir, options_dict['session']['model_path'])
        return modelpath
    def open_model(modelpath):
        ext = os.path.splitext(modelpath)[-1]
        if ext == '.onnx':
            import onnxruntime as ort
            sess_options = ort.SessionOptions()
            model = ort.InferenceSession(
        elif ext == '.tflite':
            import tflite_runtime.interpreter as tfl
            model = tfl.Interpreter(modelpath)
        return model, ext
    def generate_dummy_dataset_yaml(num_classes, options_dict, modeldir, tasktype):
        postprocess = options_dict.get('postprocess')
        if postprocess is None: 
            postprocess = {}
            options_dict['postproces'] = postprocess
        label_pred = postprocess.get('label_offset_pred', None)
        if label_pred is not None:
            if tasktype == 'detection':
                num_defined_classes = len(label_pred.keys())
                num_classes = max(num_defined_classes, num_classes)
            if tasktype == 'detection':
                label_pred = {}
                postprocess['label_offset_pred'] = label_pred
                num_defined_classes= 0
            elif tasktype == 'classification':
                label_pred = -1
        dataset_info = {
            'info': {},
            'categories': []
        for i in range(num_classes):
                    'id': i,
                    'name': f'Class {i}' 
            # if i > len(label_pred)+1: 
            if tasktype == 'detection':
                label_pred[i] = i
        yaml.dump(dataset_info, open(os.path.join(modeldir, 'dataset.yaml'), 'w'))
        options_dict['metric'] = {}
        options_dict['metric']['label_offset_pred'] = copy.copy(label_pred)
        return options_dict
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument('modeldir', type=str, default=None)
        parser.add_argument('-n', '--num-classes', type=int, default=None)
        args = parser.parse_args()
        param_path = os.path.join(args.modeldir, 'param.yaml')
        with open(param_path, 'r') as param_file:
            param_yaml = yaml.safe_load(param_file)
            yaml.dump(param_yaml, open(os.path.join(args.modeldir, 'param-original.yaml'), 'w'))
            tasktype = param_yaml['task_type']
            if param_yaml.get('session', None) is None:
                param_yaml['session'] = {}
            param_yaml = update_preprocess(param_yaml)
            model, ext = open_model(get_model_path(param_yaml, args.modeldir))
            param_yaml = update_input_details(param_yaml, model, ext)
            param_yaml = update_output_details(param_yaml, model, ext)
            param_yaml = update_postprocess(param_yaml)
            if args.num_classes is not None and args.num_classes>0:
                param_yaml = generate_dummy_dataset_yaml(args.num_classes, param_yaml, args.modeldir, tasktype)
            yaml.dump(param_yaml, open(os.path.join(args.modeldir, 'param-updated.yaml'), 'w'))

    The python script has a dependency on the PyYAML package.

    To use this python script, provide a path to the directory of model-artifacts for your model (nominally under edgeai-tidl-tools/model-artifacts/MODEL_NAME) when calling the python script from command line in Linux (either on the EVM or on a host PC).

    • Use the '-n' command line argument followed by a number to create a dummy dataset.yaml for that number of classes

    This will generate a dataset.yaml and param-updated.yaml in the provided model directory. Replace the param.yaml with the param-updated.yaml file before trying to use with edgeai-gst-apps

    Edit (December 15, 2024): In the 10.1 SDK, edgeai-tidl-tools compilation will produce param.yaml files that are compliant with all the tools within the SDK, like edgeai-gst-apps. Please consider upgrading to this SDK