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TDA4VE-Q1: QNX - Issue with evm and ethernet setup

Part Number: TDA4VE-Q1


We are currently facing an issue regarding the ethernet setup on QNX using the SDK 9.1 and QNX 7.1.

We are using this documentation: and I attached the logs.

We are running the commands below to setup the interface using DHCP but we face a "EnetPhy_findingState: PHY 0: timed out"


k3 conf

//response for "k3conf --help" and "k3conf show device"

J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# k3conf --help
| VERSION INFO                                                                 |
| K3CONF | QNX (version 0.1-nogit built Mon Apr 22 11:40:11 AM IST 2024)       |
| SoC    | J721S2 SR1.0                                                        |
| SYSFW  | ABI: 3.1 (firmware version 0x0009 '9.1.2--v09.01.02 (Kool Koala))') |

        k3conf - TI K3 Configuration Diagnostic Tool

        k3conf [--host <id>] [--version] [--help] [--cpuinfo] <command> [<args>]

        k3conf is standalone application designed to provide a quick'n easy way to
        diagnose/debug/audit TI K3 architecture based processors configuration at
        runtime, with no particular kernel dependency.
        k3conf is designed to be as much platform-agnostic as possible, being able to
        run on any Linux platform and easily ported to other OS.
        Even if k3conf today focuses mainly on TISCI related functionality, it is
        intended to be extended to any other area.

        --host <id>
            Use this host id for communicating with sysfw

            Print k3conf help.

            Print k3conf version.

            Print the host processor information.


        k3conf show hosts
                Prints all the available TISCI hosts

        k3conf show threads
                Prints all the available TISCI secure proxy threads

        k3conf show device
                Prints all the available TISCI devices

        k3conf show device <dev_id>
                Prints the corresponding device id information

        k3conf show clock
                Prints all the available TISCI clocks

        k3conf show clock <dev_id>
                Prints the clocks for corresponding device id

        k3conf show processor
                Prints all the available TISCI processors

        k3conf show rm
                Prints resources managed by System firmware

        k3conf show rm <dev_id>
                Prints resources managed by System firmware for corresponding device

        k3conf dump device
                Prints device status of all the TISCI devices

        k3conf dump device <dev_id>
                Prints the corresponding device id status

        k3conf dump clock
                Prints clock status all the available TISCI clocks

        k3conf dump clock <dev_id>
                Prints the available clock status for corresponding device id

        k3conf dump parent_clock <dev_id> <clk_id>
                Prints the clock parent of provided clock

        k3conf dump processor
                Prints status of all the available TISCI processors

        k3conf dump processor <proc_id>
                Prints status of the given TISCI processors

        k3conf dump rm [OPTIONS]
                Prints resource allocation for all utypes / hosts

        k3conf dump rm [OPTIONS] <type>
                Prints resource allocation for corresponding type

        k3conf dump rm [OPTIONS] <type> <subtype>
                Prints resource allocation for corresponding device/type

                -h <host_id>
                        Filter only for corresponding host_id

        k3conf enable device <dev_id>
                Enables the TISCI device and prints the status

        k3conf enable clock <dev_id> <clk_id>
                Enables the TISCI clock and prints the status

        k3conf disable device <dev_id>
                Disables the TISCI device and prints the status

        k3conf disable clock <dev_id> <clk_id>
                Disables the TISCI clock and prints the status

        k3conf set clock <dev_id> <clk_id> <freq>
                Sets the clock frequency and prints the status

        k3conf set parent_clock <dev_id> <clk_id> <parent_clk_id>
                Sets the parent clock for a clock mux and prints the mux status
                Refer to the following documentation for preconditions:

        k3conf read <addr> [<size>]
                No.of bits to be read is given in the size argument
                Expected input size is 8,16,32,64
                Prints the value at the specified io memory

        k3conf write <addr> <val> [<size>]
                No.of bits to be written is given in the size argument
                Expected input size is 8,16,32,64
                Writes the value at the specified io memory
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# k3conf show device
| VERSION INFO                                                                 |
| K3CONF | QNX (version 0.1-nogit built Mon Apr 22 11:40:11 AM IST 2024)       |
| SoC    | J721S2 SR1.0                                                        |
| SYSFW  | ABI: 3.1 (firmware version 0x0009 '9.1.2--v09.01.02 (Kool Koala))') |

| Device ID | Device Name                                         |
|     0     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_ADC12FC_16FFC0                       |
|     1     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_ADC12FC_16FFC1                       |
|     2     | J721S2_DEV_ATL0                                     |
|     3     | J721S2_DEV_C71X_0_PBIST_VD                          |
|     4     | J721S2_DEV_A72SS0                                   |
|     5     | J721S2_DEV_C71X_1_PBIST_VD                          |
|     6     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0                         |
|     7     | J721S2_DEV_A72SS0_CORE0_PBIST_WRAP                  |
|     8     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_C71SS0_0                |
|     9     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_C71SS0_MMA_0            |
|    10     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_C71SS0_PBIST_WRAP_0     |
|    11     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_C71SS1_0                |
|    12     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_C71SS1_PBIST_WRAP_0     |
|    13     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_CFG_WRAP_0              |
|    14     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_CLEC                    |
|    15     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_CORE_CORE               |
|    16     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DDR32SS_EMIF0_EW_0      |
|    17     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DDR32SS_EMIF1_EW_0      |
|    18     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DEBUG_WRAP_0            |
|    19     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DIVH2_DIVH0_0           |
|    20     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DIVH2_DIVH0_1           |
|    21     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DIVP_TFT0_0             |
|    22     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_SMS0                                |
|    23     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DIVP_TFT0_1             |
|    24     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_DMSC_WRAP_0             |
|    25     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_EN_MSMC_DOMAIN_0        |
|    26     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_GIC500SS                |
|    27     | J721S2_DEV_COMPUTE_CLUSTER0_PBIST_WRAP_0            |
|    28     | J721S2_DEV_CPSW1                                    |
|    29     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_CPSW0                                |
|    30     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR1                               |
|    31     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR5                               |
|    32     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR2                               |
|    33     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR4                               |
|    34     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR3                               |
|    35     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER0                               |
|    36     | J721S2_DEV_CPT2_AGGR0                               |
|    37     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_CPT2_AGGR0                           |
|    38     | J721S2_DEV_CSI_RX_IF0                               |
|    39     | J721S2_DEV_CSI_RX_IF1                               |
|    40     | J721S2_DEV_CSI_TX_IF_V2_0                           |
|    41     | J721S2_DEV_CSI_TX_IF_V2_1                           |
|    42     | J721S2_DEV_STM0                                     |
|    43     | J721S2_DEV_DCC0                                     |
|    44     | J721S2_DEV_DCC1                                     |
|    45     | J721S2_DEV_DCC2                                     |
|    46     | J721S2_DEV_DCC3                                     |
|    47     | J721S2_DEV_DCC4                                     |
|    48     | J721S2_DEV_DCC5                                     |
|    49     | J721S2_DEV_DCC6                                     |
|    50     | J721S2_DEV_DCC7                                     |
|    51     | J721S2_DEV_DCC8                                     |
|    52     | J721S2_DEV_DCC9                                     |
|    53     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_DCC0                                 |
|    54     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_DCC1                                 |
|    55     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_DCC2                                 |
|    57     | J721S2_DEV_DEBUGSS_WRAP0                            |
|    58     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC0                                   |
|    59     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC0_CTSET_0                           |
|    60     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC0_INTD_0                            |
|    61     | J721S2_DEV_GTC0                                     |
|    62     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC0_SDE_0                             |
|    63     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER0                                   |
|    64     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER1                                   |
|    65     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER2                                   |
|    66     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER3                                   |
|    67     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER4                                   |
|    68     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER5                                   |
|    69     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER6                                   |
|    70     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER7                                   |
|    71     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER8                                   |
|    72     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER9                                   |
|    73     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER10                                  |
|    74     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER11                                  |
|    75     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER12                                  |
|    76     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER13                                  |
|    77     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER14                                  |
|    78     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER15                                  |
|    79     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER16                                  |
|    80     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER17                                  |
|    81     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER18                                  |
|    82     | J721S2_DEV_TIMER19                                  |
|    83     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER1                               |
|    84     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER2                               |
|    85     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER3                               |
|    86     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER4                               |
|    87     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER5                               |
|    88     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER6                               |
|    89     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER7                               |
|    90     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER8                               |
|    91     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_TIMER9                               |
|    92     | J721S2_DEV_ECAP0                                    |
|    93     | J721S2_DEV_ECAP1                                    |
|    94     | J721S2_DEV_ECAP2                                    |
|    95     | J721S2_DEV_ELM0                                     |
|    96     | J721S2_DEV_EMIF_DATA_0_VD                           |
|    97     | J721S2_DEV_EMIF_DATA_1_VD                           |
|    98     | J721S2_DEV_MMCSD0                                   |
|    99     | J721S2_DEV_MMCSD1                                   |
|   100     | J721S2_DEV_EQEP0                                    |
|   101     | J721S2_DEV_EQEP1                                    |
|   102     | J721S2_DEV_EQEP2                                    |
|   103     | J721S2_DEV_ESM0                                     |
|   104     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_ESM0                                |
|   105     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_ESM0                                 |
|   106     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_FSS0                                 |
|   107     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_FSS0_FSAS_0                          |
|   108     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_FSS0_HYPERBUS1P0_0                   |
|   109     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_FSS0_OSPI_0                          |
|   110     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_FSS0_OSPI_1                          |
|   111     | J721S2_DEV_GPIO0                                    |
|   112     | J721S2_DEV_GPIO2                                    |
|   113     | J721S2_DEV_GPIO4                                    |
|   114     | J721S2_DEV_GPIO6                                    |
|   115     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_GPIO0                               |
|   116     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_GPIO1                               |
|   117     | J721S2_DEV_GPMC0                                    |
|   118     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_I3C0                                 |
|   119     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_I3C1                                 |
|   120     | J721S2_DEV_LED0                                     |
|   121     | J721S2_DEV_MAIN2MCU_LVL_INTRTR0                     |
|   122     | J721S2_DEV_MAIN2MCU_PLS_INTRTR0                     |
|   123     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_PORZ_SYNC0                          |
|   124     | J721S2_DEV_TIMESYNC_INTRTR0                         |
|   125     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_GPIOMUX_INTRTR0                     |
|   126     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_PSC0                                |
|   127     | J721S2_DEV_J7AEP_GPU_BXS464_WRAP0                   |
|   128     | J721S2_DEV_J7AEP_GPU_BXS464_WRAP0_DFT_EMBED_PBIST_0 |
|   130     | J721S2_DEV_J7AEP_GPU_BXS464_WRAP0_GPU_SS_0          |
|   131     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_32_64_ATB_FUNNEL0                   |
|   132     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_32_64_ATB_FUNNEL1                   |
|   133     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_32_64_ATB_FUNNEL2                   |
|   134     | J721S2_DEV_AGGR_ATB0                                |
|   135     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_BOLT_PGD0                           |
|   136     | J721S2_DEV_CSI_PSILSS0                              |
|   137     | J721S2_DEV_DEBUGSUSPENDRTR0                         |
|   138     | J721S2_DEV_DDR0                                     |
|   139     | J721S2_DEV_DDR1                                     |
|   140     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC_VPAC_PSILSS0                       |
|   141     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_HWA_ATB_FUNNEL0                     |
|   142     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_MAIN_16FF0                          |
|   143     | J721S2_DEV_PSC0                                     |
|   144     | J721S2_DEV_J7AM_PULSAR_ATB_FUNNEL0                  |
|   145     | J721S2_DEV_SA2_CPSW_PSILSS0                         |
|   146     | J721S2_DEV_UART0                                    |
|   147     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_J7AM_WAKEUP_16FF0                   |
|   148     | J721S2_DEV_GPIOMUX_INTRTR0                          |
|   149     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_UART0                                |
|   150     | J721S2_DEV_CMPEVENT_INTRTR0                         |
|   151     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_DDPA0                               |
|   152     | J721S2_DEV_DPHY_RX0                                 |
|   153     | J721S2_DEV_DPHY_RX1                                 |
|   154     | J721S2_DEV_DSS_DSI0                                 |
|   155     | J721S2_DEV_DSS_DSI1                                 |
|   156     | J721S2_DEV_DSS_EDP0                                 |
|   157     | J721S2_DEV_BOARD0                                   |
|   158     | J721S2_DEV_DSS0                                     |
|   160     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM0                                    |
|   161     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM1                                    |
|   162     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM2                                    |
|   163     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM3                                    |
|   164     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM4                                    |
|   165     | J721S2_DEV_EPWM5                                    |
|   166     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST7                                   |
|   167     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST5                                   |
|   168     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST11                                  |
|   169     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST8                                   |
|   170     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST3                                   |
|   171     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST0                                   |
|   172     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST1                                   |
|   173     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST4                                   |
|   174     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST2                                   |
|   175     | J721S2_DEV_PBIST10                                  |
|   176     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_PBIST0                               |
|   177     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_PBIST1                               |
|   178     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_PBIST2                               |
|   179     | J721S2_DEV_CODEC0                                   |
|   180     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_VTM0                                |
|   181     | J721S2_DEV_MAIN2WKUPMCU_VD                          |
|   182     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN0                                    |
|   183     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN1                                    |
|   184     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN2                                    |
|   185     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN3                                    |
|   186     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN4                                    |
|   187     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN5                                    |
|   188     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN6                                    |
|   189     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN7                                    |
|   190     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN8                                    |
|   191     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN9                                    |
|   192     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN10                                   |
|   193     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN11                                   |
|   194     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN12                                   |
|   195     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN13                                   |
|   197     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN14                                   |
|   199     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN15                                   |
|   201     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN16                                   |
|   202     | J721S2_DEV_A72SS0_CORE0                             |
|   203     | J721S2_DEV_A72SS0_CORE1                             |
|   206     | J721S2_DEV_MCAN17                                   |
|   207     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_MCAN0                                |
|   208     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_MCAN1                                |
|   209     | J721S2_DEV_MCASP0                                   |
|   210     | J721S2_DEV_MCASP1                                   |
|   211     | J721S2_DEV_MCASP2                                   |
|   212     | J721S2_DEV_MCASP3                                   |
|   213     | J721S2_DEV_MCASP4                                   |
|   214     | J721S2_DEV_I2C0                                     |
|   215     | J721S2_DEV_I2C1                                     |
|   216     | J721S2_DEV_I2C2                                     |
|   217     | J721S2_DEV_I2C3                                     |
|   218     | J721S2_DEV_I2C4                                     |
|   219     | J721S2_DEV_I2C5                                     |
|   220     | J721S2_DEV_I2C6                                     |
|   221     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_I2C0                                 |
|   222     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_I2C1                                 |
|   223     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_I2C0                                |
|   224     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0                                   |
|   225     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_BCDMA_0                           |
|   226     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_CPTS_0                            |
|   227     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_INTR_0                            |
|   228     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_0                        |
|   229     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_1                        |
|   230     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_2                        |
|   231     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_3                        |
|   232     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_4                        |
|   233     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_5                        |
|   234     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_6                        |
|   235     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_7                        |
|   236     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_8                        |
|   237     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_9                        |
|   238     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_10                       |
|   239     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX1_11                       |
|   240     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_0                         |
|   241     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_1                         |
|   242     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_2                         |
|   243     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_3                         |
|   244     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_4                         |
|   245     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_5                         |
|   246     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_6                         |
|   247     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_7                         |
|   248     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_8                         |
|   249     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_9                         |
|   250     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_10                        |
|   251     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MAILBOX_11                        |
|   252     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MCRC_0                            |
|   253     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MODSS                             |
|   254     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MODSS_INTA_0                      |
|   255     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_MODSS_INTA_1                      |
|   256     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_PROXY_0                           |
|   257     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_PVU_0                             |
|   258     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_PVU_1                             |
|   259     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_RINGACC_0                         |
|   260     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_SPINLOCK_0                        |
|   261     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_TIMERMGR_0                        |
|   262     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_TIMERMGR_1                        |
|   263     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_UDMAP_0                           |
|   264     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_UDMASS                            |
|   265     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_UDMASS_INTA_0                     |
|   266     | J721S2_DEV_NAVSS0_VIRTSS                            |
|   267     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0                               |
|   268     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_INTR_ROUTER_0                 |
|   269     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_MCRC_0                        |
|   270     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_MODSS                         |
|   271     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_PROXY0                        |
|   272     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_RINGACC0                      |
|   273     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_UDMAP_0                       |
|   274     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_UDMASS                        |
|   275     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_NAVSS0_UDMASS_INTA_0                 |
|   276     | J721S2_DEV_PCIE1                                    |
|   277     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS0                                   |
|   278     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS1                                   |
|   279     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS0_CORE0                             |
|   280     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS0_CORE1                             |
|   281     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS1_CORE0                             |
|   282     | J721S2_DEV_R5FSS1_CORE1                             |
|   283     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_R5FSS0                               |
|   284     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_R5FSS0_CORE0                         |
|   285     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_R5FSS0_CORE1                         |
|   286     | J721S2_DEV_RTI0                                     |
|   287     | J721S2_DEV_RTI1                                     |
|   288     | J721S2_DEV_RTI16                                    |
|   289     | J721S2_DEV_RTI17                                    |
|   290     | J721S2_DEV_RTI15                                    |
|   291     | J721S2_DEV_RTI28                                    |
|   292     | J721S2_DEV_RTI29                                    |
|   293     | J721S2_DEV_RTI30                                    |
|   294     | J721S2_DEV_RTI31                                    |
|   295     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_RTI0                                 |
|   296     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_RTI1                                 |
|   297     | J721S2_DEV_SA2_UL0                                  |
|   304     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_HSM0                                |
|   339     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI0                                   |
|   340     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI1                                   |
|   341     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI2                                   |
|   342     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI3                                   |
|   343     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI4                                   |
|   344     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI5                                   |
|   345     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI6                                   |
|   346     | J721S2_DEV_MCSPI7                                   |
|   347     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_MCSPI0                               |
|   348     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_MCSPI1                               |
|   349     | J721S2_DEV_MCU_MCSPI2                               |
|   350     | J721S2_DEV_UART1                                    |
|   351     | J721S2_DEV_UART2                                    |
|   352     | J721S2_DEV_UART3                                    |
|   353     | J721S2_DEV_UART4                                    |
|   354     | J721S2_DEV_UART5                                    |
|   355     | J721S2_DEV_UART6                                    |
|   356     | J721S2_DEV_UART7                                    |
|   357     | J721S2_DEV_UART8                                    |
|   358     | J721S2_DEV_UART9                                    |
|   359     | J721S2_DEV_WKUP_UART0                               |
|   360     | J721S2_DEV_USB0                                     |
|   361     | J721S2_DEV_VPAC0                                    |
|   362     | J721S2_DEV_VUSR_DUAL0                               |
|   363     | J721S2_DEV_DPHY_TX0                                 |
|   364     | J721S2_DEV_DPHY_TX1                                 |
|   365     | J721S2_DEV_SERDES_10G0                              |
|   366     | J721S2_DEV_WKUPMCU2MAIN_VD                          |
|   367     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_AC_CBASS_VD                     |
|   368     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_AC_QM_CBASS_VD                  |
|   369     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_HC_CBASS_VD                     |
|   370     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_INFRA_CBASS_VD                  |
|   371     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_IP_CBASS_VD                     |
|   372     | J721S2_DEV_FFI_MAIN_RC_CBASS_VD                     |
|   373     | J721S2_DEV_J7AEP_GPU_BXS464_WRAP0_GPUCORE_0         |
|   374     | J721S2_DEV_DMPAC0_UTC_0                             |

J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# Jan 01 01:00:30.874            io_pkt_v6_hc.176152                 slog      0  EnetPhy_findingState: PHY 0: timed out

QNX boot logs

J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# NOTICE:  BL31: v2.8(release):v2.8-226-g2fcd408bb
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 12:07:28, Apr 22 2024
ERROR:   GTC_CNTFID0 is 0! Assuming 200000000 Hz. Fix Bootloader
MMU: 16-bit ASID 44-bit PA TCR_EL1=b5183519
ARM GIC-500 r1p1, arch v3.0 detected
gic_v3_lpi_add_entry for vectors 8192 -> 8447, Ok
gic_v3_lpi_add_entry for vectors 8448 -> 65535, Ok
No SPI intrinfo. Add default entry for 32 -> 991 vectors, Ok
LPI config table #1 @ 000000008000f000, callout vaddr: ffffff8040251000
aarch64_cpuspeed: core speed 2000
cpu0: MPIDR=80000000
cpu0: MIDR=411fd080 Cortex-A72 r1p0
cpu0: CWG=4 ERG=4 Dminline=4 Iminline=4 PIPT
cpu0: CLIDR=a200023 LoUU=1 LoC=2 LoUIS=1
cpu0: L1 Icache 48K linesz=64 set/way=256/3
cpu0: L1 Dcache 32K linesz=64 set/way=256/2
cpu0: L2 Unified 1024K linesz=64 set/way=1024/16
Enabling ITS 0
ITS queue at 0000000080020000, num slots: 256
Issue MAPC/SYNC/INVALL commands for ICID 0
update CWRITER to 0x00000060
Waiting for all commands to be processed ... Done in 1 tries
Enable LPIs in GICR_CTLR @ 0000000001900000 for CPU0
Display set to A72
Total Available L3 cache (MSMC SRAM): 4194304 bytes
Loading IFS...decompressing...done
ERROR:   GTC_CNTFID0 is 0! Assuming 200000000 Hz. Fix Bootloader
aarch64_cpuspeed: core speed 2000
cpu1: MPIDR=80000001
cpu1: MIDR=411fd080 Cortex-A72 r1p0
cpu1: CWG=4 ERG=4 Dminline=4 Iminline=4 PIPT
cpu1: CLIDR=a200023 LoUU=1 LoC=2 LoUIS=1
cpu1: L1 Icache 48K linesz=64 set/way=256/3
cpu1: L1 Dcache 32K linesz=64 set/way=256/2
cpu1: L2 Unified 1024K linesz=64 set/way=1024/16
ITS 0 already Enabled
ITS queue at 0000000080020000, num slots: 256
Issue MAPC/SYNC/INVALL commands for ICID 1
update CWRITER to 0x000000c0
Waiting for all commands to be processed ... Done in 1 tries
Enable LPIs in GICR_CTLR @ 0000000001920000 for CPU1

System page at phys:0000000080023000 user:ffffff8040275000 kern:ffffff8040272000
Starting next program at vffffff8060087300
All ClockCycles offsets within tolerance
Welcome to QNX Neutrino 7.1.0 on the TI J7 TDA4VMeco EVM Board!!
Starting random service ...
start serial driver
Setting OS clock from RTC
Starting MMC/SD memory card driver... eMMC
Starting MMC/SD memory card driver... SD
Starting XHCI driver
Path=0 - am65x
 target=0 lun=0     Direct-Access(0) - SDMMC: G1M15L Rev: 1.0
Setting environment variables...
Mounting the sd ..
Looking for user script to run: /ti_fs/scripts/
Running user script... called...
Setting additional environment variables...
Starting tisci-mgr..
Initializing sciclient in interupt mode
Starting shmemallocator..
Starting tiipc-mgr..
Starting tiudma-mgr..
Starting ti-vpu-codec-mgr
Starting VPU Codec resource manager...
Resource Manager loop starting
Start screen..
screen started with dss_on_r5 configuration..
Starting sshd
Starting Flash driver...

Ethernet commands with logs

//commands used to enable "am0" interface
//for "CPSW2G DEVNP" driver with am0 interface
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g
dhclient -nw am0

//enable debug logs in background
slog2info -c
slog2info -w &

1. Run “if_up -p am0” to check if the interface is ready
2. Run “ifconfig am0 up” to bring UP the link.
3. Run “dhclient -nw am0” for DHCP server provide the IP address
4. Run “ifconfig -v” to check the assigned IP address and status

//ifconfig command and response
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# if_up -p am0
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# ifconfig am0 up
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# dhclient -nw am0

J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# ifconfig -v
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33136
        input: 0 packets, 0 bytes
        output: 0 packets, 0 bytes
        inet netmask 0xff000000
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
        address: 34:08:e1:81:96:51
        media: Ethernet none
        status: no carrier
        input: 0 packets, 0 bytes
        output: 0 packets, 6406 bytes, 3 multicasts
        inet6 fe80::3608:e1ff:fe81:9651%am0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x11
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# Jan 01 00:49:58.774            io_pkt_v6_hc.176152                 slog      0  EnetPhy_findingState: PHY 0: timed out

//for "CPSW9G DEVNP" driver with an0 interface 
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw9g
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# Jan 01 00:56:57.548                   iopkt.524316                           0  -----ONLINE-----
Jan 01 00:56:57.549                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer*     0  tcpip starting
Jan 01 00:56:57.550                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer      0  smmu support is disabled
Jan 01 00:56:57.551                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer      0  initializing IPsec...
Jan 01 00:56:57.551                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer      0   done

Jan 01 00:56:57.551                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer      0  IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.

Jan 01 00:56:57.553                   iopkt.524316          main_buffer      0  Unable to load (null)

J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# dhclient -nw an0
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS an0: No such device or address
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# ifconfig
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33136
        inet netmask 0xff000000
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
J721S2-EVM@QNX:/# ifconfig Jan 01 00:57:30.274            io_pkt_v6_hc.176152                 slog      0  EnetPhy_findingState: PHY 0: timed out
