Hi TI experts
We plan to use SDK 9.2, but during testing, we found that using the latest script from that website(git.ti.com/.../default_DCC_profile_gen, the generated dcc_2a_wdr. bin and dccvis_wdr. bin did not light up properly.The results are shown in the following figure:
Let me describe the operational steps:
1.download imaging-main.zip
2.Edit x3c configuration file
SENSOR_ID 233 PRJ_DIR ../X3C SENSOR_NAME x3c SENSOR_DCC_NAME SENSOR_OX3C SENSOR_WIDTH 1920 SENSOR_HEIGHT 1280 # 0=RGGB; 1=GRBG; 2=GBRG; 3=BGGR, 4=MONO, #10=RGGI, 11=GRIG, 12=BGGI, 13=GBIG, 14=GIRG, 15=IGGR, 16=GIBG, 17=IGGB COLOR_PATTERN 3 #sensor mode :0 for linear, 1 for WDR WDR_MODE 1 # BIT_DEPTH may be 12, 10, or 8 for linear mode BIT_DEPTH 12 #raw sensor image BIT_DEPTH WDR_BIT_DEPTH 24 #WDR decompanding knee points WDR_KNEE_X 0,1023,1279,1535,2303,2559,2943,3071,3327,3455,3519,3647,3775,3903,3999,4095 WDR_KNEE_Y 0,1023,2047,4095,16383,24575,49151,65535,131071,196607,262143,524287,1048575,2097151,4194303,16777215 #Sensor black level to subtract before decompanding (for linear sensors only and some Sony WDR sensors) BLACK_PRE 0 # Sensor black level to subtract after decompanding (for most WDR sensors and all linear sensors) BLACK_POST 0 # GAMMA value for compressing 20/24-bit WDR raw to 16-bit ISP internal # typically around 50 (0.5) for 24-bit WDR sensors and 70 (0.7) for 20-bit sensors GAMMA_PRE 60 # LSB location for H3A input bit range (from bit-H3A_INPUT_LSB to bit-H3A_INPUT_LSB+9) H3A_INPUT_LSB 0
3.Then enter sensor driver folder and run the "generate_dcc.sh" script from there.At this point, there is a problem of not being able to produce the image
4.I will put the XML file for DCC3.0 generated image quality debugging into sensor driver folder and run the "generate_dcc.sh" script.
5.At this point, there is an issue: Uable to init TIOVX module.As shown in the following figure.
May I ask how to solve this problem?