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DRA821U: J721EXCPXEVM/ J7200XSOMXEVM/DRA821 Arago Yocto RT Linux vs Arago Yocto Linux

Part Number: DRA821U
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: J721EXCPXEVM, DRA821, J7200XSOMXEVM



We are evaluating the J721EXCPXEVM/ J7200XSOMXEVM/DRA821 platform. On your website saw an RT version and non-RT version. For the Arago  Yocko Linux:

1. What is the difference between the RT Linux SDK version vs not-RT Linux SDK version? How do we know which one to use for this platform?

2. What version of Ubuntu can we have on our host dev system  for installing and using the SDK to create the Yocto image? 

3. Is there an estimate for amount of  RAM for a default Arago image that it  needs/uses on the target board on the A Cores? 

Thank you.

  • Hi Tammy,

    1. What is the difference between the RT Linux SDK version vs not-RT Linux SDK version? How do we know which one to use for this platform?

    The RT-Linux SDK contains the code for running the RT-Linux kernel. This kernel is used to make Linux more real-time if latency is important. You can read more here:

    2. What version of Ubuntu can we have on our host dev system  for installing and using the SDK to create the Yocto image? 

    The ubuntu version depends on the SDK version you are using. For the 9.x sdks, ubuntu 22.04 is required.

    3. Is there an estimate for amount of  RAM for a default Arago image that it  needs/uses on the target board on the A Cores? 

    I don't have a number for this currently, but I can try to get one if you'd like. For now though, the J721EXCPXEVM and J7200XSOMXEVM both have 4GB.


  • Hi Jared,  Thank you.

    -"The RT-Linux SDK contains the code for running the RT-Linux kernel..." Is the RT Linux SDK for this platform also Arago Yocto based?

    - "I don't have a number for this currently, but I can try to get one if you'd like. For now though, the J721EXCPXEVM and J7200XSOMXEVM both have 4GB." Yes could you get us an for amount of RAM default Arago image needs/uses? Thank you.

    - I read that DRA821 can interface up to an additional 8GB of memory, is that on top of the 4GB so total 12 GB possible with this external interface?  Can the A Core (where we will have linux) access this additional 8GB via this external interface? Can we add the additional 8GB via the interface to your reference platform by plugging in another reference module?

    Thank you again.

  • Hi Tammy,

    Is the RT Linux SDK for this platform also Arago Yocto based?

    Yes. It runs the Arago distribution withan  RT Linux kernel underneath.

    Yes could you get us an for amount of RAM default Arago image needs/uses?

    I will try to.

    Can the A Core (where we will have linux) access this additional 8GB via this external interface? Can we add the additional 8GB via the interface to your reference platform by plugging in another reference module?

    You can edit the amount of DDR by following the instructions in the DDR config tool appnote. The DDR config tool has also been added to sysconfig, so you no longer have to use the excel sheet.


  • Thank you Jared.

    I will wait for the estimate amount of RAM default Arago image needs/uses. Questions:

    Can either the RT Arago or standard Arago be certified to the Automotive standards advertised online by TI? (i.e., ASIL, etc.) Or if we need the certification for automotive we can only use one of those in our product?

    Thank you again. 

  • Hi Tammy,

    I executed $ cat /proc/meminfo on the 9.2 default images for both the non-RT and RT versions (kernel just sitting idle). I don't have any other numbers for you though.


    root@j721e-evm:~# cat /proc/meminfo
    MemTotal:        3829608 kB
    MemFree:         3373220 kB
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    root@j721e-evm:~# cat /proc/meminfo
    MemTotal:        3840968 kB
    MemFree:         3407684 kB
    MemAvailable:    3629284 kB
    Buffers:            9660 kB
    Cached:           243968 kB
    SwapCached:            0 kB
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    For your other question:

    Can either the RT Arago or standard Arago be certified to the Automotive standards advertised online by TI? (i.e., ASIL, etc.) Or if we need the certification for automotive we can only use one of those in our product?

    I have looped in our safety expert.


  • Hi Tammy,

    Not clear on what "Automotive standards advertised online by TI" is referring to.   

    The DRA821 device has a Safety Manual available under NDA which lists out the device H/W safety features, and required safety diagnostics to achieve ASIL ratings.

    The TI SDK Roadmap for DRA821 calls out which S/W components TI has done safety certification on, and/or which S/W components have a path to safety certifications.

    For current TI SDK Linux release (SDK 9.2), the ASIL portion would likely be directly related to the TI SDK RTOS components running on the R5 cores, not the A72 where Linux would be running. 



  • Hi KB,

    Thank you. I spoke with my boss and yes my leadership will need to sign an NDA. We are looking to make a quick decision. What is the process for that? Do you want his email address to contact him directly or do you upload it here and I fwd it to him to sign and then upload signed version back on here?  Thank you again.  

  • Hi Sunny,

    Do you have a local TI contact that you can work with?   If not, we will work from this end to get a TI contact for you.



  • Hi KB,

    No not yet, if you can give me a contact to give my boss for getting the NDA in place that would be great thank you.

  • An email has been sent offline.  Let's use that forum to work on establishing an NDA.

    Will mark this thread as resolved, we can revisit once NDA is in place or start a new thread.

