Hello everyone,
I am fairly new in the Linux department, and stumbled upon a question that I'd like to pose in this forum.
Within the Kernel configuration I can mark the modules to be build in the Kernel image or to be build as external modules. I got the git depository from git://linuxtv.org/pinchartl/media.git which includes the Kernel 3.14.
My goal was to use the omap3-isp driver with my Gumstix overo board and a OV3640 camera module. So I configured the Kernel to build the omap3-isp.ko module and edited the board-overo.c to tell the Kernel that I want to use the ISP.
.xclks = {
[0] = {
.dev_id = "3-003c",
.subdevs = overo_camera_subdevs,
return 0;
When I booted the device I saw that the omap3-isp module was loaded automatically.
So now my question is: From where does the Kernel exactly know that he has to load the omap3-isp.ko module, which is located in /lib/modules/*version*/kernel/drivers/media/platform/omap3isp/omap3-isp.ko? And how did he find out the location or the needed name?
Does the Kernel probably have some kind of list of external modules that have to be loaded when booting?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,