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CCS/TMS320VC5509A: TMS320VC5509A with CCS v7 and windows 10

Part Number: TMS320VC5509A

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


does the DSK5509A run with CCS v7 on a 64-bit-system (windows 10).

Are there any example codes working with that setup?

Thank you

  • Hi Elisabeth,

    I've forwarded this to the SW experts. Their feedback should be posted here.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Elisabeth,
    Please be aware that there are some issues with using C55x on CCSv7 that are being addressed. Details are in this thread

    Would recommend using CCSv6 for now please. Thanks.

  • Lali,
    Thank you for your answer. I will try it out with using CCSv6. Do you know about problems for drivers of 64-bit-systems as the provided drivers are for 32-bit-systems?
    Is there an example code available for this DSK and CCSv6. Unfortunately the officially offered one is for CCSv3.
  • Hi Elisabeth
    C5509a is a relatively old device and there are no plans to provide official support/refresh with latest/greatest CCS and tooling. While we try our best to provide guidance for older devices to work with the latest tools - we are not spending time refreshing examples beyond what was officially offered.
    C5517, C5505/15/35/45 are the newer devices in the same family - with c5517 being the closest match to c5509a.
    If you are starting a new development we recommend that you loork at these devices
    The CSL that comes for these devices is based on CCSv6.x
  • Hi,
    thanks for your answer. Unfortunately this doesn't help me a lot... Do you know for sure which combination of Code Composer and a windows system I can use to work with this "old" device? Will windows 10 and CCS v6 work for sure?
    Will the CSL I downloaded from the Spectrum Support work with CCS v6.x?

    It is a pitty that TI doesn't provide official support for older devices.
    As a beginner it is really hard to get started if the examples don't work.
  • Elisabeth,

    As Mukul had iterated previously, its highly recommended to use a newer C55x device if possible. 

    Apologies for the trouble you are having with this. Let me try to provide more info that I was able to dig up.

    There is an older TI c55x CSL located here for the C5509 Please download C55XCSL-SPRC133.

    I was able to build the examples in this package in CCSv6 with Windows 7. I can't say for sure what the outcome will be with Win 10, but I don't think this would be a problem.

    The example I built from the above mentioned package is C:\Program Files\C55xxCSL\examples\generic5509\csl\timer\timer1\timer1

    You will need to use the "Import Legacy CCS v3.3 CCS projects" under Project in CCS. Navigate to the .pjt project that you want to import and pull it into your workspace. Something you want to keep in mind is that in order to build the examples without errors, you will have to follow the document under C:\Program Files\C55xxCSL\doc\Releasenote.htm. This gives instructions on what project properties you will need to manipulate in order to build, especially section 3. Setting up build environment to use CSL.


  • Lali,

    thank you very much for testing. This helped me a lot. I could also build the timer1 Project without any errors.

    As I want to use the DSK 5509A for an audio application, I need the audio codecs. I would like to build the example "tone" which I found on the CD ROM which was included in the starter kit: dsk5509a_v2_examples_tone

    Unfortunately I can't build this without many errors...
    - Do I need to install DSP/BIOS 5 for a realtime application?
    - would you import the code files or the whole project?

    I would very much appreciate if TI could also support these examples as the audio codecs of the DSK 5509A are the best I could find and why I decided to buy this special DSK.

    Thank you in advance for your help,
    Elisabeth Seitenberger
  • Elisabeth,

    Unfortunately, the DSK 5509A was designed to run in CCSv3.3 which is no longer supported, so it will be difficult to debug errors.
    Did you try the target content from Spectrum Digital's site?

    I believe they also have a "tone" test. You will have to fix some of the broken paths that are specified by default in the project properties. You have also use the .bat files to build the projects instead of using CCS. I have not tried this, but might be a feasible route to explore to build these old examples. What are the errors that you are seeing when you build? Is there a log you can post?

  • Lali,

    so do think if I would use CCS v3.3 I should be able to run this example??? CCS v3.3 will only work on a WIN XP System, right?

    Yes, I tried the target content from Spectrum Digital's site. You mean I can't use CCS with these examples? How about DSP/BIOS? Do I need to install this as well?

    Thank you,

    At the moment I get this log:

    **** Build of configuration Debug for project tone ****

    "C:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
    'Building file: ../tone.c'
    'Invoking: C5500 Compiler'
    "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/bin/cl55" -g --include_path="/packages/ti/xdais" --include_path="C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_01_22_core" --include_path="C:/Program Files/C55xxCSL/include" --include_path="C:/Users/Elisabeth/workspace_v6_2/dsk5509a_v2/include" --include_path="/include" --include_path="C:/Users/Elisabeth/workspace_v6_2/dsk5509a_v2/include" --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/c5500_4.4.1/include" --preinclude="C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_01_22_core/packages/xdc/std.h" --define="CHIP_5509A" --display_error_number --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="tone.d" "../tone.c"

    >> Compilation failure recipe for target 'tone.obj' failed
    "C:/ti/xdctools_3_32_01_22_core/packages/xdc/std.h", line 86: fatal error #5: could not open source file "std.h"
    1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "../tone.c".
    Compilation terminated.
    gmake: *** [tone.obj] Error 1
    gmake: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.

    **** Build Finished ****
  • Lali,
    I finally solved the problem.
    I copied the .c files in a new project and fixed some settings like linking the libraries and includes...
    Now I have a tone example which is working with CCS v6 and Win 10.

    Thank you for your help,
  • Elisabeth,

    Glad that you got it working. Please close this thread by hitting the "verify answer" button on one of the responses. Thanks!