We are testing based on (Long_Range_People_Detection) 6843_50m_3D.cfg in visualizer.
Question 1. I want to widen it to +/- 60 range through config file. (Object detection distance may be reduced)
Which parameters in config should I use and how should I change them?
Question 2.
theta_desired = -33.75;
m_ind = [0 1 2]; % antenna distance in unit of lambda
phaseInc = 5.625; % step size for the phase shifter
phaseTX_rad = 2*pi*(m_ind*sind(theta_desired));
phaseTX_deg = (phaseTX_rad)*180/pi;
phaseTX_deg_wrap = wrapTo360(phaseTX_deg);
phaseShifter = round(phaseTX_deg_wrap/phaseInc) * [ 0, 2^8, 2^16].' * 4
60 degrees phase [0 311.7691 623.5383]
-60 degrees phase [0 311.7691 263.5383]
Are the above values correct?
Based on the above values, I don't know where to enter the config parameter.