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IWR6843AOP: Add measureRangeBiasAndRxChanPhase Command to 3D People Tracking

Part Number: IWR6843AOP


I'm trying to add the measureRangeAndRxChanPhase command to the 3D People Tracking example in Radar Toobox v1.30.0.5

I've reviewed the OOB and 3D People Tracking source code and have a few questions.

Q1) In People Tracking, is Range Bias not compensated for any specific reason?

In People Tracking, can't find range bias data.

Q2) Is it correct that there is no real-time compensation feature in People Tracking?

In OOB: reconfiguration is performed for each ioctl's DYNAMIC COMP RANGE BIAS AND RX CHAN PHASE cmd. (Performed every frame. Understood as a real-time correction feature for temperature changes)

In People Tracking: it is performed once in STATIC PRE START CFG (performed during sensorStart).

Q3) In People Tracking, Can measurement fucntion be performed before or after executing the DPU process on DPC?

In OOB: after performing Doppler DPU among multiple DPU processes (Doppler, CFAR, AoA), measurement is performed. 

In People Traking: there is only one DPU process function. 

It seems that the measurement function in the OOB references configurations related to Doppler.

I would be grateful if you could advise me.
