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AWR2944: antenna phase calib

Part Number: AWR2944


Hi,Experts,my program is refer to sdk_04_04_00_01, i want to do antenna phase calib before the azi FFT, i find HWA can implement this by using the complex mutiplication feature in preprocessing model,so i profile the parameter as follow:

hwaParamCfg[paramsetIdx].accelModeArgs.fftMode.preProcCfg.complexMultiply.cmultMode = HWA_COMPLEX_MULTIPLY_MODE_VECTOR_MULT;(in function DPU_DopplerProcHWA_configHwaCFARAzimFFT
hwaParamCfg[paramsetIdx].accelModeArgs.fftMode.preProcCfg.complexMultiply.modeCfg.vectorMultiplyMode1.cmultScaleEn = HWA_FEATURE_BIT_DISABLE;(in function DPU_DopplerProcHWA_configHwaCFAR
this profile means  using the Vector Multiplication Coefficient RAM,next i profile the RAM as follow:
  retVal = HWA_configRam(obj->hwaHandle, HWA_RAM_TYPE_VECTORMULTIPLY_RAM, (uint8_t *)&obj->cfarAzimFFTCfg.antennaCalibParamsQuantized[0], sizeof(obj->cfarAzimFFTCfg.antennaCalibParamsQuantized), 0);(in function DPU_DopplerProcHWA_config)
at last,i profile the antenna calib parameters(float) in cfg->staticCfg.antennaCalibParams ,the parameters i check in matlab ,its work correctly to calib the azi_peak_idx from the 0 degree Angle reversal to index 0.Unfortunately when i run this program in awr2944, the  0 degree Angle reversal  is detected to a wrong azi angle.
so my question is did I have any profile errors or omissions in the above steps?
Looking forward to your reply。
  • Hi,

    The SDK version that you are using is released 1.5 years ago and there are improvements made on top of this SDK. So, I suggest you to move to the latest SDK

    i want to do antenna phase calib before the azi FFT, i find HWA can implement this by using the complex mutiplication feature in preprocessing model

    This is already being implemented in the SDK.

    Refer to  C:/ti/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_06_01_02/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_06_01_02/ti/datapath/dpu/dopplerprocDDMA/docs/doxygen/html/index.html and you can find the implementation at  C:/ti/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_06_01_02/mmwave_mcuplus_sdk_04_06_01_02/ti/datapath/dpu/dopplerprocDDMA/src/dopplerprochwaDDMA.c.



  • thank you for your reply,i will check it out first

  • thank you for your reply,i will check it out first


