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Legacy COFF vs. EABI for custom BSL code

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC430F5137


I'm trying to create a custom BSL for a CC430F5137 with CCS5.2 based on the TI example.

If I compile the project with the EABI format option some of my codesegments are not mapped. Using the legacy COFF options however the codesegments are mapped correct. One of the segments that fails is the BSL reserved memory segment, in my case called BSLSIG (as is called in the example code). Following I list all relevant code snippets:

BSLSIG                  : origin = 0x17F0, length = 0x0010 //Within MEMORY part of linker script

BSLSIG     : {} > BSLSIG //Within SECTIONS  part of linker script

in BSL430_Low_Level_Init.asm
 .sect "BSLSIG"
                             .word       0xFFFF
BslProtectVecLoc .word       BSL_Protect
PBSLSigLoc       .word       03CA5h
SBSLSigLoc       .word       0C35Ah
                         .word       0xFFFF
BslEntryLoc      .word       BSL_Entry_JMP

PJTAGLOCK_KEY    .word       0xFFFF
SJTAGLOCK_KEY    .word       0xFFFF

The resulting .map file entries for BSLSIG look as follows:

         name            origin           length         used          unused       attr    fill
----------------------   --------            ---------      --------          --------        ----     --------
  BSLSIG                000017f0   00000010  00000010  00000000  RWIX

          name            origin           length         used          unused       attr    fill
----------------------   --------            ---------      --------          --------        ----     --------  
BSLSIG                000017f0   00000010  00000000  00000010  RWIX

BSLSIG is listed in the SECTION ALLOCATION MAP of the .map file for COFF whereas it is not listed in that section for EABI.


TI FAE suggested that this might be a compiler bug. Any other ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you,