Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2340R5, CC1354P10, SYSCONFIG
i am porting CC2674 code to CC2340R5 Q1 chip. following information i needed
- OOB pairing parameters
- GAPBondMgr_SCGetLocalOOBParameters() from CC2674 code
- I have extern for some functions, but it not works properly
- GAP_GetIRK()
- L2CAP_RegisterPsm()
- L2CAP_PsmInfo()
- L2CAP_bm_alloc()
- L2CAP_SendSDU()
- Need API for L2CAP data transmit
- "spConnRec_t" structure from CC2674 code:
- uint16_t connHandle; // Connection Handle
- spClockEventData_t* pParamUpdateEventData;
- Clock_Struct* pUpdateClock; // pointer to clock struct
- int8_t rssiArr[SP_MAX_RSSI_STORE_DEPTH];
i am expecting some quick response
Thank you