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CC2340R5: Connect to TI CC2544 or Nordic IC via proprietary 2.4 GHZ

Part Number: CC2340R5
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2544, , CC2511, CC2531


Hi Team, 

My customer is developing 2.4GHz wireless KB/MOUSE.

They want to know if the 2.4G wireless KB/MOUSE can connect USB dongle  via 2.4G Proprietary Stack when:

1. the solution of wireless KB/MOUSE is TI CC2340 w/ TI 2.4G proprietary sample code.

2. the solution of USB dongle is TI CC2544 or Nordic IC (e.g. NRF52840) 

Please help to provide comments for the application:  CC2340 on 2.4GHz wireless KB/MOUSE


  • Hello Mike

    Thanks for reaching out. We will take a look at your question and be back as soon as possible.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out:

    1. the solution of wireless KB/MOUSE is TI CC2340 w/ TI 2.4G proprietary sample code.

    The CC2340 device is able to support HID through BLE or PropRF. The CC2340 does not have built-in USB so a second IC will be needed to enable USB functionality and communicate with the CC2340 if USB is needed.

    2. the solution of USB dongle is TI CC2544 or Nordic IC (e.g. NRF52840) 

    The CC2544 does support USB and PropRF so it can act as an HID dongle.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

     For 2.4GHz proprietary sample code  of TI CC2544 and CC2340 , please help to check where to get the sample code for

    1.  2.4GHZ wireless KB/MOUSE(CC2340)

    2,  2.4GHZ wireless USB dongle (CC2544)


  • Hi,

    At this time, we do not have a pre-made example of the 2.4GHz wireless KB/MOUSE demo for the CC2340R5 available. I will loop in our PropRF expert to comment on the CC2544.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Jan, 

    Thanks. It will be great to have the example code of the 2.4GHz wireless KB/MOUSE demo for the CC2340R5+CC2544. 

  • Hello Mike Wu1,

    While we do have some dongle HID code for other CC25xx devices we unfortunately do not have an example for CC2544 specifically, we would have to migrate from CC2511 or CC2531 example (swrc088c, this also has a useful PDF on USB HID usage). 

    I have confirmed already (with SmartRF Studio) that the CC2340R5 and CC2544 can communicate correctly with each other, meaning once the CC2544 has USB HID setup it should work. 

    The CC2544 has the following examples (but no HID):


    Alex F