Hi Sirs,
Would you pls advise the following questions of the TLV320AIC3106 Mic Bias circuit. With default 2.5V MIC_BIAS voltage:
1. If we stuff R396 and leave 3.5mm jack not connected, the MIC_BIAS will always fix at 1.72V -> Abnormal behavior
2. If we stuff R396 with a 3.5mm jack connected, the MIC_BIAS was programmable to 2.0V, 2.5V, and 3.3V by I2C
3, If we remove the R396 and leave 3.5mm jack not connected, the MIC_BIAS was programmable to 2.0V, 2.5V, and 3.3V by I2C -> Normal behavior
According to the AIC3106's internal block diagram, the MICDET was linked to MICBIAS, do we need to handle the MIC_DET pin by a processor, not TLV320AIC3106 directly?
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen