CCS constantly returning this error message when entering debug mode on a M35H52C1:
Cortex_M3_0: Error during Flash programming (Flash algorithm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
Cortex_M3_0: GEL: File: C:\TIDCS\AV-900 Upgrade\DC Controller\TI Concerto\M3 ARM\Flash\M3_ARM.out: Load failed.
Cortex_M3_0: Unable to terminate memory download: (Error -1003 @ 0x2BC5) Internal error: Invalid parameter passed to function. Restart the application. If error persists, please report the error. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
Also Java heap size error came up first that was totally bogus, as no size increase size helped. Reinstalltion didn;t help either, until I uninstalled and installed clean...