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Segmentation GGTools 7.3


I get following message with using CGTools 7.3 .0 for DSP compilation on Centaurus with CCS 4.2

'Building file: D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_sbrDecLib/src/psbitdec.cpp'
'Invoking: Compiler'
"C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/C6000 Code Generation Tools 7.3.0/bin/cl6x" -@"psbitdec_ccsCompiler.opt"

INTERNAL ERROR: C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\C6000 Code Generation Tools 7.3.0\bin\opt6x.exe experienced a segmentation fault while
                processing function _Z16PSDEC_FHG_decodeP6PS_DEC file C:\\DOCUME~1\\a0131717.ENT\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\052122

This is a serious problem.  Please contact Customer
Support with this message and a copy of the input file
and help us to continue to make the tools more robust.

>> Compilation failure
C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\utils\gmake\gmake: *** [D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_xdais/dabdmbdec/addon/c64+/Release/psbitdec.o64p] Error 1


  • Note that this error is not there when 7.2.0B1 version used.

  • You need to submit a test case.  Since you are building in CCSv4, that is a bit tricky.  

    We need a preprocessed form of psbitdec.cpp as described in this Wiki article.  But that article doesn't describe how to do that in CCSv4.  In CCSv4, go to project Build Properties->C/C++ Build->Compiler->Parser Preprocessing Options, change the Mode on the right pane from Automatic to Manual, and check the boxes "Preprocess only" and 'Continue compilation after using -pp<X> options". This will generate a file with .pp extension with the same name as the source file in the same folder as source file. After generating the .pp file, switch the mode back to Automatic.  Add the .pp file as an attachment to your next post.

    We also need to know the build options.  While you are tweaking the options to create the preprocessed file, I'm sure you will see that text window with all the build options displayed.  Just cut-n-paste that into your post.

    Thanks and regards,




    --define="USE_CDK_TOOLS" --define="TIC6400_DSP_LIB_AVAILABLE" 
    --include_path="C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/C6000 Code Generation Tools 7.3.1/include" --include_path="C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/xdais_7_10_00_06/packages/ti/xdais" --include_path="C:/CCSTUD~1.3/C6000/csl/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_xdais/dabdec/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_xdais/dmbdec/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_DABplusDec_Lib/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/dabPlusParseLib/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_DmbDec_Lib/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/dmbParseLib/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_heaacdec/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_transport/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_sbrDecLib/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_mp2dec/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_eqControl/include" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_tools" --include_path="D:/git/mre/j2vis_sdk/packages/fhg/dab-4.3/src/lib/audiodec/CDK_tools/C64xx/reedSolomon" --include_path="V:/bios_6_32_03_43/packages" --include_path="C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/xdctools_3_23_00_32/packages" --include_path="V:/bios_6_32_03_43/packages/ti/bios/include" 

    Hi George,


    Attached is the pp file you requested.I have changed the file extension to txt

    I found that this issue is present with CGTools 7.3.1 also.

    Also the build option is attached.






  • Thank you for the test case.  I can reproduce the problem.  I filed SDSCM00042619 in the SDOWP system to have this fixed.  Feel free to track it with the SDOWP link below in my sig.

    Thanks and regards,
