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Any idea if SimpliciTI will work(probably with future releases) and on BTLE cc2540?
Hi Stan.
There is no plans on SimpliciTI support on the CC2540. Why don't you try to get started with BLE and see if this can solve whatever you had in mind.
Hi Kjetil,
Currently not quite easy to start with cc2540 - neither Digikey nor Newark offer the development kit yet.
Beside I'm biased between cc2530/31 and cc2540 and still cant decide which way to go - 253x have both I need: a high level commonly adopted protocols + lower level access to the RF layer.
2540/BTLE - nothing available yet, but with much brighter perspective to be available standard on every mobile phone - but I need and some access to the lower RF layers like to broadcast short raw data (one way only) so dont need even any protocol - some kind of parity bit or what so ever will be enough.
Hi Steve.
If it helps, the CC2540 development kit is available in the TI eStore for $99:
BTLE will allow you to send short broadcasts (known as advertisments) but might be that you want anything simpler than this. We do not, at the moment, have plans to release a version which has the physical RF layer only.
Hi Kjetil,
Ok I bought the kit last week, will' see when it arives. I read before for advertisments, but cant find/read is it possible to block further progress after advertisement is received i.e. I dont want to establish connection, because all the short data I'll need will be in the advertisement. (this probably will have to figure when the kit arrives)
The MRFI(part of SimpliciTI) that I found in the kits for 2530 was perfect for me, but as you said no SimplciTI for 2540 :(
BTW, do you/TI have any future plans to release a chip that support both Zigbee and BTLE?
P.S. Do you know any book for 8051 on the bookmarket that is specially target to the TI 8051 core processors?
Hi Stan.
Glad you ordered the kit and hopefully you will be able to do what you want with that. If you have questions on Bluetooth Low Energy, just let us know in the appropriate forum.
We do not have any plans that I'm aware off doing a chip that can do both. The radios are different enough that doing such a device will be challenging.
As for books on 8051, any would do. Do not know any that targets out core specifically, but it's pretty much a standard implementation and the User Guide has the relevant info on core / peripheral specific things. Once again, just let us know if you have any questions.