Our current product includes a WL1271 chipset (TiWi-R2 module). We would like to reduce the effective Bluetooth range of our product. Our previous product supported a CSR Bluetooth chip that facilitated range control by altering register values within silicon. Specifically - we would alter a pre-amp power register, transmit power register and the power table register values (remove all table rows except the row stipulating the lowest power). Are there registers within the WL1271 that we can alter upon each startup (dynamic storage) or when each system is setup (static storage) to reduce effective Bluetooth range? We run Linux kernel 2.6.37 and are comfortable issuing HCI commands (including vendor specific commands) using "hcitool cmd". Our hope is that we can simply use HCI_VS_WRITE_HARDWARE_REGISTER along with appropriate register and data values to do what we need. Within another post (http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Bluetooth_FCC_Mode#WL1271_.2B_ARM_Platforms) we can see details on a vendor specific HCI command (Configure Transmitter Parameters) that is helpful for FCC testing, but this command sets many parameters at once including the "Power Level". We don't need to disable scanning and put the controller into a mode appropriate for testing, we only need to change transmission strength.
Perhaps approching this from another angle is easier. If changing a config file used by the Bluetooth controller will work - we are open to this approach.
Any help is appreciated.
Mark J