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CC3000 Wi-Fi MSP430 FRAM Getting Started Guide


I am having problems connecting to the cc3000 via usb when I run the  "Download Sensor App to FRAM".  There is a note on the guide that said to disable firewall and that is disable but I am still not able to connect.  Please help.

This is the error I received on the command prompt. 


Please ensure that your FRAM board is
configured correctly and that its USB cable
is connected.
Press any key to continue . . .

C:\TI\CC3000FRAMSensorApp\tools\MSP430Flasher_1.1.3>MSP430Flasher.exe -n MSP430F
R5739 -w "../../CC3000_FRAM_Applications\Binary\cc3000sensorapp.txt" -z [VCC] -v
Evaluating additional triggers...done
Initializing interface on TIUSB port...

# Exit: 19
# ERROR 1014: Could not initialize device interface

UseCase for MSP430.dll
Demo application for identifying an MSP430 device and compare the read
parameters of the device properties structure against the parameters given by
the DeviceID number through MSP430_Device().

Usage: MSP430Flasher.exe [OPTIONS]

-n DEVICE NAME specifies the name of the targeted device.
-o L | C specifies the desired mode (only for L092 device).
(use L for L092 and C for C092-emulator mode)
-l PASSWORD LENGTH specifies the length of the JTAG password.
(in words, if any, default: 0)
-p JTAG PASSWORD specifies the JTAG password (form: 0x...).
(if any, default: no password)
-i (TI)USB | LPTn | COMn specifies the connection interface.
(default: TIUSB (=USB))
-m JTAG | SBW2 | SBW4 | specifies the communication mode
AUTO (JTAG or Spy-Bi-Wire. default: AUTO)

-r [filenname,mem_sect] specifies a memory section to read from and a file
(txt/hex) to write to. mem_sect: RAM, INFO, MAIN,
-w filenname specifies a file (txt/hex) for device programming.

-b unlocks BSL memory for writing
(use only with -w switch)
-u unlocks InfoA memory for writing
(use only with -w switch)
-e ERASE_ALL | ERASE_MAIN | specifies erase mode before programming.
ERASE_SEGMENT (use only with -w switch, default: ERASE_ALL but
ERASE_MAIN for the L092 devices)
-v triggers verification after programming
(use only with -w switch)
-z [exit_spec,...] specifies state of device on exit
(view available 'exit_spec's using -x switch)
-g switches log OFF (default: ON)

-q triggers QUIET MODE (no system messages displayed)

-d [breakpoint addresses] specifies addresses for hardware breakpoints and

triggers RUN_TO_BREAKPOINT mode after initializatio
-t timeout_in_ms specifies the breakpoint timeout (in mil

-s suppresses the FET firmware update prompt

If not all options are initialized the demo will use default options and return
a warning!
Please look above to ensure all steps were performed successfully. LED1 of the F
board should have turned on if the CC3000 EM Module is mounted.
Press any key to continue . . .
  • Ben,

    The issue would seem to be that the software can't find the FRAM board, so it is not possible to perform the download.

    1) Is the FRAM board connected to the computer?

    2) Did the board drivers install?

    2) Does a MSP430 UART device show up in the device manager?


  • Gustavo, 

    1) Yes, it is connected to the computer.

    2) Yes, I installed the driver and it is shown on the device manager.

    3) In device manager, I do see the MSP430 Application UART (COM3)

    I am using Windows 7 OS. 


  • Ben,

    Please disconnect then reconnect the USB cable and try again. If that doesn't work, one of two things might help:

    1) Uninstalling the port . Right click on it in device manager and click uninstall. Don't uninstall the drivers, then disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. The port should reinstall and you can try the Download shortcut again

    2) Reassigning the com port - Right click on the COM port in Device manager, click properties, then go to Port Settings -> advanced and select a new port number. Even though it might complain that it is being used, if it doesn't actually show up in device manager as used you can use it. Press ok to reassign it and then disconnect then reconnect the USB cable.


  • Gustavo, 

    I did both things you suggested, and it still did not work.

    Do you have any other suggestions?


  • Ben,

    You might have to restart the computer.

    Another option for you is to try Elptronics' programmer available for free here:

    Simply select the right MSP430 family and derivative (FR5xxx and FR5739), then select the binary file in the package and press auto program.


  • Gustavo, 

    I tried to restart computer, that did not work.

    When I tried to install the Elptronics's programmer, I get an installation error.

    Here is the message: 

    "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.  A program required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."


  • Ben,

    I've never seen such an error installing that software and it might be indicative of some issue in the computer preventing all the programmers from working.

    Do you have IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430?

    It also has a download feature:   Project -> Download -> Download file

    You can then try to download the binary file in the package.

    Let me know how it goes,

  • Gustavo, 

    Does it have anything to do with me using Windows 7 that is causing the problem ?

    I don't have IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 install on the computer.  


  • Ben,

    The problem is in the OS. We've tested our releases with both Windows XP and Windows 7, so we know they work. Something strange is occuring in your computer

    The next step is to use a compiler to see if you can use them to download the software. Please download Code composer studio

    or IAR here:


  • Gustavo, 

    I just finish installing CCS.  

    What are the next steps you would like me to try?


  • Ben,

    Open CCS with any workspace name. The go to Project-> Import Existing....

    Then simply look for the folder:


    And select all projects and add them. Then compile all of them, there should be no errors. After that, press on the bug icon on the toolbar to being the debug session which will download the binary. After it finishes downloading and stops the code at the first line press the play button. You can then press stop since the code is on the board and it can run independently. You should then be able to run the Sensor Demo according to the Getting Started Guide.


  • I get this error when I tried to run after compiling.

    MSP430: Error initializing emulator: Could not find MSP-FET430UIF on specified COM port

    Build logs:

    **** Build of configuration Debug for project SensorApplication ****

    C:\TI\ccsv5\utils\bin\gmake -k all
    'Building target: SensorApplication.out'
    'Invoking: MSP430 Linker'
    "C:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/msp430/bin/cl430" -vmspx --abi=coffabi -O2 --opt_for_speed=0 -g --gcc --define=__CCS__ --define=__MSP430FR5739__ --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --silicon_errata=CPU21 --silicon_errata=CPU22 --silicon_errata=CPU40 --printf_support=minimal -z -m"" --stack_size=160 --heap_size=160 --use_hw_mpy=F5 -i"C:/TI/ccsv5/ccs_base/msp430/include" -i"C:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/msp430/lib" -i"C:/TI/ccsv5/tools/compiler/msp430/include" --reread_libs --warn_sections --rom_model -o "SensorApplication.out" "./uart.obj" "./terminal.obj" "./strlib.obj" "./server.obj" "./sensors.obj" "./demo.obj" "./cc3000.obj" "./board.obj" -l"libc.a" "C:/TI/CC3000FRAMSensorApp/CC3000_FRAM_Applications/Source/CCS/CC3000 Spi/Debug/CC3000 Spi.lib" "C:/TI/CC3000FRAMSensorApp/CC3000_FRAM_Applications/Source/CCS/CC3000HostDriver/Debug/CC3000HostDriver.lib" "../lnk_msp430fr5739.cmd"
    'Finished building target: SensorApplication.out'
    ' '

    **** Build Finished ****
  • Gustavo,

    I restarted my computer and was able to get the CCS to run.


  • Gustavo, 

    I was able to program using CCS but when I tried to connect using the GUI it failed to connect.  Afterward, it just stop working and accessing the USB. 

    When I look at the USB, it kept saying the device is already in use.  It looks like this is stopping me from accessing the usb.  Do you know how to resolve this?


  • Ben,

    Did you press stop on the board to disconnect the CCS debugger?

    DoesLED1 light up on the FRAM board?

    What AP are you using for the CC3000? Are you pressing continue in the GUI?


  • Gustavo,

    I forgot to disconnect from the CCS Debugger as it was using the COM port.  

    I got the cc3000 communicating to the GUI and was able to see the planet rotating and updating the temperature and acceleration. 

    I then went to test the basic WiFi application using the IAR (  I downloaded the basic WiFi example application ( and was able to compile and go into debug mode using IAR for version  I connected to the cc3000 using docklight (alternative to hyperterminal program).  I then went to the "Configuring the Basic Wi-Fi Example Application" using the command line to perform the first time configuration but it does not connect to the Access Point.

    How can I use the command line to establish connect on the cc3000 to the AP for the Basic Wi-Fi Example application?


  • Ben,

    Have you gone through the process of sending the data required for the First Time Config?  Please see the following wiki:

    Please note that the Sensor Application supports using First Time Config as well:


  • Gustavo, 

    I was able to perform the first time config using my labtop to broadcast the ssid "TTTeTP-LINK_339BF20" and got a response from the cc3000 in hyperterminal with a "Simple config DONE".  After I performed this, I assume the cc3000 would connect to the Access Point and get a IP address.  However, when I look at the Client List on the AP, I don't see any connection.  I then attempted to use the "08" command for IP Configure to set a static IP address.  

    Here is my command:

    "08C0A801C0C0A80101":  Where "08" is the command for IP Configure. "C0A801C0=", and "C0A80101=".  But I get an "Illegal command" response when I use this command.  If I use "8" instead of "08" as the command, I get a response "DONE".  However, I still was not able to see the IP address in the Client LIst on the AP.

    Could you let me know if I am entering the command correctly and the sequence of events for executing the command line?


  • Ben,

    You've done everything correctly. What is happening is that the AP's client list is a DHCP client list. Because you're using static IP, the CC3000 will not be shown.

    The easiest way to confirm that the CC3000 is in the network is to ping it. Simply ping using the windows ping utility:


    And it should respond.


  • I am pinging on my labtop and it keeps failing.  I am connected to the Access Point and is able to ping

    Is there a way to check the IP address connectivity on IAR in debug mode? such as a static variable or memory address?


  • Ben,

    You can use the following function:

    tNetappIpconfigRetArgs ipinfo;


    Then stop and look at the info in ipinfo. it's a struct that contains a lot of useful information, including the IP address.


  • I was looking at the ipinfo and notices that the aucIP, and aucDefaultGateway has incorrect data.  

    Could you check if I am using the correct syntax for setting the IP address: "8C0A801C0C0A80101"?  Is this case sensitivity? 


  • Ben,

    It is inverted. The Gateway IP octets should be first, then the IP we want to use. Here you're telling it to go find a gateway at, which is unlikely.


  • Gustavo, 

    Thanks for the help.  I got it working after making the change and also changing the syntax from CAPs to LOWER case for the ascii-to-char conversion.

    If I want to do DHCP, how could I do this?


  • Ben,

    In that case the octets for the IP of the CC3000 should be 00.


  • Ben,

    FYI, the CC3000 remembers the last configuration and will use it when it connects.


  • Gustavo, 

    Yes, I noticed it that.

    I am trying to set dhcp and in looking at the SimpleLink API, it wasn't clear what values I should have for aucDNSServer.  I have tested it by having aucDNSServer=, and that worked.  However, if I am in a 193.167 domain, would that work?

    Another question: I was looking at the DHCP client list and noticed that the client name for the cc3000 is "unknown".  Is there a way to change the name to be "Demo1234"?  


  • Ben,

    The DNS server is usually provided by the router. Therfore, if you're in 193.167, you just need to specify the last 2 octets to point to the router which has internet connection.
    This is only needed for DNS, i.e. translating "" to whatever actual IP it points to.

    As for the "Unknown", I believe that the router is obtaining this name from some service discovery protocol that windows runs. The Host MCU isn't running it so that it doesn't appear. In any case, it has no bearing on any functionality.


  • Gustavo, 

    Thanks for the clearing up that up.

    As for the "Unknown", it is part of the DHCP broadcasting options that include the hostname of the wireless device.  I was wondering if cc3000 include or exposes the DHCP broadcasting options.  This would make it easier to manage the cc3000 using the hostname on the AP instead of looking at MAC address to identify the device.  This is especially so, when there are lots of devices connected to the network and the MAC address is only differ by 1 value.
