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Can't connect to target - Concerto Control Card

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE

I've installed and updated everything as instructed in the Quick start guide.

When I Compile the control test code, it errors out with "can't find "codestart" " I changed it to "code_start" which it can find, but warns that that is different than "_c_init00".

When I change the start symbol in the Linker to "_c_init00" I get no compile errors. What should it really be??

When I try to connect to the target, I get:

"Error connecting to the target:
(Error -2131 @ 0x0)
Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
(Release 5.0.429.0)"

The same error occurs when trying to connect to the Control test code or the Master test code (from the Quick Start Guide). The target config is set to XDS100v2, M28F35M52C1.

I have the board plugged into the docking station with the USB plugged into the dock. I also tried it adding the mini-USB connection directly to the ISO USB on the Concerto board. Same error.

I receieved the ControlCard and a bag of jumpers. No set-up instructions. Should I install the jumpers somewhere to make it connect?

Also, in the collateral files there is a table of the switches and their position but, no description of which way pin 1 is on the board or which position is opened or closed.


  • Andy,

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting things running.  This initial release of controlSUITE for the F28M35 is still very much an alpha build, and we are working hard on squashing the bugs that are left.

    Because of the bootROM present on these devices, we have created our own entry point to ensure that it gets linked into the correct memory.  This is why the entry point is specified as code_start.  "code_start" is the correct symbol.  Which example were you trying to compile when it gave you the error about codestart?

    In regard to your emulation error, it sounds like your controlCARD is un-powered.  There are two power domains on the board: JTAG and Concerto.  JTAG is powered from the USB MiniB, while the Concerto device can be powered via the micro-USB A/B connector or via the docking station.  If you are powering the board via the docking station, ensure that the power switch is in the appropriate position. 

    The other thing that could be happening is CCS is connecting to the XDS100 on the docking station.  Try powering the board using a USB A to USB micro B using your computer and disconnecting the USB cable from the docking station.  This is the recommended setup until the user fully understands the hardware platform.

    The jumpers are only needed to connect to some of the peripherals at the top of the controlCARD like ethernet and the SD Card.  There is a schematic of the board in:

    <controlSUITE Install Dir>\development_kits\~controlCARDs\CCF28M35xxHWdevPkg

    which can be used to determine what jumpers are needed for each peripheral.  Also, I'm not sure exactly which table you are referring to, but it may be a table outlining all the jumpers (I know there was one floating around here internally).  Could you point me to the table you're referring to?


    Trey German

  • Hi,

    Same problems here, with some more detail:

    1) For Andy:  the device on the Concerto ControlCards is not M28F35M52C1, it's M28F35H52C1.

    2) The XDS100 on the "Docking Station" is definitely v1, not v2; the XDS100 on the ControlCards is XDS100v2.

    3) In the most updated manual, is doesn't say "code_start", there's some strange italicised font mis-spelling typo, nothing like that.

    4) The ControlCard gets powered in the docking station from the docking station's big USB connector, all of the LEDs light up on the ControlCard once the docking station switch is moved to "on".  But this can't work for connecting, because the USB on the docking station is connected to the XDS100v1 on there, which even if it connects to the ControlCard, is no good because there's no option in CCS for that for the  M28F35H52C1 devices...

    GOOD NEWS!  while writing this the problem is SOLVED!

    There are two power domains on the board: JTAG and Concerto.  JTAG is powered from the USB MiniB, while the Concerto device can be powered via the micro-USB A/B connector or via the docking station.

    I sure wish that was in the docs I've been going over for almost 2 weeks now!

    To summarise:

    Update ControlSuite and CCS with all the latest updates!

    Make sure to choose the correct XDS100v2/F28M35H52C1 combo in Target Configuration in CCS:

     -Connection Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB Emulator, Board or Device F28M35H52C1

    Connect your ControlCard to your PC, using BOTH a microUSB cable (for the ControlCard connector near the microSD Card slot on the ControlCard), and a miniUSB cable for the connector on the ControlCard next to the ethernet jack and the FTDI chip.

    Now, as long as CCS is properly configured you will be able to connect to the cores on the F28M35H52C1!

    I was waiting for a response from customer service, I'll send this in right away.


    Best Regards,

    ---Joshua Newman

    PS - PLEASE NOTE:  There is NO microUSB cable supplied with the ControlCards, ONLY the miniUSB cable (there IS a microUSB cable supplied with the Docking Station/Experimenter's Kit).

  • Joshua, changing the target from M to H was the next key. Thanks.  By the way, I deciphered that script looking line ( ControlSuite v2.3.1) C:\TI\controlSUITE\device_support\f28m35x\vAlpha1\doc\FM28M35xx-FRM-EX-UG.pdf, pg 16, last line) by copying it and dropping it into notepad++. It seems the PDF viewer is partially to blame.

    Trey, I set the docking station aside and purchased a micro-USB cable. The adaptors are cheap at the phone store (maybe TI could throw one in the box) but easier to lose.

    The table of switch positions, jumpers, and the 3-row header definition is C:\TI\controlSUITE\development_kits\~ExperimentersKits\FM28M35xxInfosheet_Rev1 0_071211.pdf.  This doc is the location of the USB connection discription that Joshua mentioned as well. By the way, I receivedsome short jumpers with header sockets on each end in a C55xx ezDSP kit. Those are infinitely useful. Push on the kit folks to throw at least two of those in the controdCard kits, please. It very difficult to put a scope or SigGen on that inside row of pins.

    Schematics are C:\TI\controlSUITE\development_kits\~controlCARDs\CCF28M35xxHWdevPkg\CONCERTO_DIMM100 07211.pdf

    All three of those docs are necessary to get this board up in CCS4. Having them in a common location would be very helpful.

    That done, I'm able to debug on both sides. Thanks

  • Joshua,

    3) You say some of the text is messed up.  Could you refer me to the guide and page in question?  I'll fix whatever is wrong there.

    I will also add more about physical card setup (power domains, etc.) to the "Getting Started Guide" in the examples documentation.

    I was under the impression they were shipping microUSB cables with the controlCARDs.  I will look into this.



    Is this the same typo Joshua is referring to? FRM-EX-UG page 16?

    Completely agree on microUSB cables.  We should be including them with the cards.  I'll look into this.

    The table in the F28M35 Infosheet PDF is that internal table I was referring to earlier.  This is probably the best tool to use for setting up the jumpers for a certain peripheral configuration.  I agree that jumper wires like you discussed are handy, but we didn't really intend to users to probe signals at the 3 row pin mux headers.  The intended probing locations are on the .1" pitch headers on the docking station.  We do include jumper wires with a few specific kits, but this isn't one of them.  I doubt this will change, but I will pass on your feedback.


    I completely agree with you on putting everything in the same location.  The problem is certain items apply to more use situations than just bringing up the controlCARD.  This is why we have the directory structure that we do.  controlSUITE Desktop (the graphical launcher thingy) is designed to a portal for users new to a device or evaluation board.  Did either of you try looking around in there for what you needed?


  • Yes, same typo as the one Joshua pointed out. I described its location in that post.

    Joshua notes that the Micro-USB is supplied in the docking station developer's kit. I got my docking board a while back and it only came with the USB-A to USB-B cable.

    An outstanding problem. While there are three documents and an assembly drawing to look at, there is still no way to determine the physical switch positions. Nothing links up/dn to on/off (assuming the dimm fingers are down.


  • This is why we have the directory structure that we do.  controlSUITE Desktop (the graphical launcher thingy) is designed to a portal for users new to a device or evaluation board.  Did either of you try looking around in there for what you needed?

    Hi Trey,

    I looked around ControlSuite everywhere to try to solve this, after of course following the instructions there (in ControlSuite for 'Devices/Concerto F28M35x [NEW!]' and Code Composer Studio/ ***IMPORTANT***) carefully for installation of the ControlCard/CCS , etc., also under 'Kits' (controlCARDs and controlCARD: Experimenter's Kits).  Please note, the CCS ***IMPORTANT*** section is WRONG, it mentions in point 3  ti_c2000_f2806x_flash_setup_4.2.0.1.exe, which doesn't seem to exist anymore (it did, but after some updates, is now gone), and point 4, ti_c2000support_setup_1.0.0.0.exe, is updated as of now, to

    The example projects are very easy to get at, the F28M35x Quickstart User's Guide is very handy, because following it along, page by page, will clearly indicate if the CCS is set up properly (ie, if neccessary code generator is missing or not updated properly, etc.), and is a very good quick reference.  [The typo I mention is indeed the last sentence on page 16 in the guide, exactly like this: "Specify the program entry point to be codestart.SelectoktocloseoutoftheBuildProperties.", and it's still there, as of now]

    The disk that comes with the Experimenter's Kit is basically useless, it's better in my opinion to download the whole most-up-to-date CCS v4 [Platinum DVD free] (with a nice,fast connection and 6-8 hours to spare), then update it again after installing and configuring it (another 4 hours or so, after specifying additonal components to get the newest code generators).  I am going to buy the licensed DVD Platinum, I sure hope that the DVD will be at least as current as what I have installed now!

    In any case, in my opinion the hardware ( F28M35H52C1 and controlCard) is extremely nice, the example programs are absolutely great for getting some quick results once the board is up, the ControlSuite is a good, useful tool once on gets used to its structure, and the fast TI customer service and e2e forum are real assets.

    Best Regards,

    ---Joshua Newman

  • Joshua, you got a disk with your kit?? ;>)

    I also appreciate the code samples. They are very, very helpful.


  • Hi Experts,

    I followed all instructions listed above. I can connect to target, load the source and run it. But it doesn't seem to work. I used blinky project from F28M35x_examples_Control directory, it doesn't blink the LED. The debug seems OK, step by step and just no result on the LED side. Any idea/suggestion?

  • You must load "setup_m3" project into M3 core first.

    See this topic.
